ASN Lists for Russian Federation

2University of Delaware
3Massachusetts Institute of Technology
72Schlumberger Limited
174Cogent Communications
270National Aeronautics and Space Administration
2118Reliable Communications s.r.o.
2148National Research Center Kurchatov Institute
2578RIPE Network Coordination Centre
2585Optic Telecom LLC
2587OOO Freenet Group
2599PJSC Vimpelcom
2643Federal State Budgetary Institution Institute of High Energy Physics Named After A.A.Logunov of National Research Center Kurchatov Institute
2683Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Lomonosov Moscow State University
2848Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Lomonosov Moscow State University
2854LLC Orange Business Services
2875Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
2878PJSC Rostelecom
2895OOO Freenet Group
3167Group of Company INFOPRO Ltd.
3168PE Dityatev Sergey Yurievich
3175CityTelecom LLC
3179Akvalis Ltd.
3181Matrix Telecom LLC
3191JSC CentrInform
3200UK Navikon LLC.
3203PTO Videokanal Ltd.
3216PJSC Vimpelcom
3218Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
3226OOO Ni
3227Live In Sky LTD
3229Darinet Ltd.
3232ModernColo LP
3235PJSC Vimpelcom
3253PJSC Vimpelcom
3266UAB Porenta
3267Federal State Institution Federal Scientific Research Institute for System Analysis of the Russian Academy of Sciences
3276OBIT Ltd.
3284ServiceCloud Ltd.
3285Company Delfa Co. Ltd.
3287Redline LLC
3303Swisscom (Schweiz) AG
3312IT Energy Service
3315Join-Stock Company Internet ExchangeMSK-IX
3316Join-Stock Company Internet ExchangeMSK-IX
3325Kazan Federal University
3327CITIC Telecom CPC Netherlands B.V.
3335Federal State Educational Institution Of Higher Professional Education Novosibirsk State University National Research
3343Federal State Institution Federal Scientific Research Institute for System Analysis of the Russian Academy of Sciences
3351Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
3356Level 3 Parent LLC
3549Level 3 Parent LLC
4809China Telecom Next Generation Carrier Network
5065Bunny Communications
5386Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
5387Federal Research Center for Information and Computational Technologies
5429Telecommunications Center Umos LLC
5461OKB Mei
5467Non State Educational Institution Educational Scientific and Experimental Center of Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
5468Yeltsin Urfu Ural Federal University
5473Iterika LLC
5480State Educational institution for High Professional education 'Southern Federal University'
5495Saint Petersburg State University
5514Boscom LLC
5523JSC Credo-Telecom
5531Sinum Currus Ltd
5537JSC RU-Center
5543Joint Stock Company TransTeleCom
5547JSC Orient-Telecom
5548Federal State Budget Educational Establishment of Higher Education Russian University of Transport (Miit)
5553Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Tambov State Technical University
5563JSC ER-Telecom Holding
5567National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University
5568Join-Stock Company Internet ExchangeMSK-IX
5572Botik Technologies Ltd
5573PJSC Rostelecom
5577root SA
5589Public Joint-Stock Company Bank Otkritie Financial Corporation
5598Anton Bobrovnikov
6085Societe Internationale de Telecommunications Aeronautiques
6453Tata Communications (America) Inc
6672Limited Liability Company Relcom-SPB
6673Incoma JSC
6679IT Park JSC
6694Association of Financial Market Participants Nonprofit Partnership for the Development of Financial Market RTS
6699Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science 'N.N. Krasovskii Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics' of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
6704Citylan LLC
6719Radistr LLC
6761Invest Development LLC
6789Crelcom LLC
6801National Research Center Kurchatov Institute
6820Communications Informatics Ltd.
6828PJSC Rostelecom
6844PJSC Rostelecom
6850PJSC MegaFon
6854PJSC MegaFon
6856AO IK Informsvyaz-Chernozemye
6858JSC Severen-Telecom
6863PJSC Rostelecom
6868Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State Technical University Named After N.E. Bauman (National Research University)
6869OOO Freenet Group
6870Reconn LLC
6874Perm National Research Polytechnic University
6903Rusonyx Ltd.
7029Windstream Communications LLC Inc.
8219Inna Grigorevna Khoruzhaya
8241Nets and Services JCS
8242Apex Telecom Ltd.
8249PJSC Rostelecom
8263PJSC MegaFon
8274Fop Maksym Naumenko
8279Novaya Strategia Ltd.
8291The Federal Guard Service of the Russian Federation
8299JSC Infotel
8305Yuri Lebedev
8324South Ural State University
8325OOO Freenet Group
8331JSC ER-Telecom Holding
8334LLC Setel
8342JSC RTComm.RU
8345JSC ER-Telecom Holding
8350PJSC Vimpelcom
8369Intersvyaz-2 JSC
8371PJSC Vimpelcom
8382PJSC Rostelecom
8395East Telecom Ltd.
8398Tver Region Center of Informatization at Tver State University
8402PJSC Vimpelcom
8409Institute for Information Transmission Problems of The Russian Academy of Sciences of A.A. Kharkevich
8410Novinvestrezerv LLC
8411Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution Of Higher Education Omsk State University named after F. M. Dostoevsky
8416Infoline Ltd.
8427Joint Stock Company TransTeleCom
8439PJSC Rostelecom
8440S.Setevaya Svyaz OOO
8441OOO NPP Garant Service University
8443PJSC Rostelecom
8460PE Nikonov Evgeniy Vitalevich
8470JSC Macomnet
8475Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Ufa University of Science and Technology
8480Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education Ufa University of Science and Technology
8484Novye Oblachnye Technologii LLC
8485Joint Stock Company TransTeleCom
8491Scientific-Production Enterprise Business Sviaz Holding LLC
8492OBIT Ltd.
8496Optibit LLC
8506Institution of Russian Science Academy of Irkutsk Scientific Centre of Siberian Department of Ran
8507JSC Laboratory of New Information Technologies Lanit
8510Tomsk State University
8515CJSC Dataforce IP
8544Primetel PLC
8557PJSC Rostelecom
8566Nordigy Inc
8568PJSC Rostelecom
8570PJSC Rostelecom
8592Research and Production Firm Imt-Center OOO
8595OOO WestCall Ltd.
8615Central Telegraph Public Joint-Stock Company
8629Moscow Center of New Telecommunication Technologies JSC
8630Fedaral State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education 'Chuvash State University'
8636MAXnet Systems Ltd.
8641LLC Nauka-Svyaz
8654CrimeaInfocom Ltd
8662PJSC Rosseti Lenenergo
8663Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Kuban State University
8675PJSC Rostelecom
8684Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education Perm State National Research University
8706LLC Volga-Dnepr Airlines
8711JSC Avantel
8712Kirunets Tatyana Ivanovna
8732JSC Comcor
8742LTD Santekhkomplekt
8744OOO Mediaseti
8749JSC Redcom-Lnternet
8753Mediateleset Ltd.
8756Windmill Telecom Ou
8774OOO Kompaniya Etype
8775Perm Federal Research Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
8790Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Petrozavodsk State University
8817Sobolev Institute of Mathematics Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences Fgbu
8828PJSC Rostelecom
8846Federal State Unitary Enterprise Television Technical Center Ostankino
8848ZAO Center of Financial Technologies
8849Melbikomas UAB
8872Cherkizovo Group PJSC
8901GKU MosgorTelecom
8904Bank of Russia
8905Digit One LLC
8909Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Amur State University
8920JSC RTComm.RU
8941N. P. Ogarev's Mordovian State University
8981Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Voronezh State University
8985Join-Stock Company Internet ExchangeMSK-IX
8998Russian Company LLC
9002RETN Limited
9006CJSC Giproenergoprom
9009M247 Europe SRL
9032CityTelecom LLC
9039Institute of Information & Analytical Technologies Iiat Limited
9041Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University
9049JSC ER-Telecom Holding
9056Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics Russian Academy of Sciences
9058KAN AUTO Ltd.
9068JSC Comcor
9077Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution Ufa Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
9078Sibirskie Innovacionnye Sistemy Ltd
9110AMT GROUP TELECOM Limited Liability Company
9113Vlant LLC
9122Technoelektroservis Ltd.
9123TimeWeb Ltd.
9124Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Russian State University of Immanuil Kant
9130LLC Managing Company Hydraulic Machines and Systems
9131ChP Uspekh
9134Federal goverment entity for Scientific Center on Expertise of Medical Application Products
9157Federal State Budget Institution The Special Astrophysical Observatory of Russia's Academy of Sciences
9162The State Educational Institution of Higher Vocational Education Tambov State Technical University
9177RTA Telecom Ltd.
9213Ditek Ltd
10122Netstar SG Pte. Ltd.
10282Global One
12332PJSC Rostelecom
12335Tario Communications LLC
12341Ural State Polzunov College
12380PJSC Rostelecom
12389PJSC Rostelecom
12396PJSC MegaFon
12403Telecommunication company FEONET+ LLC
12418Quantum CJSC
12456KL Group LLC
12484Boris Ltd.
12494OOO Post Ltd
12500TransLinkPlus LLC
12543PJSC Vimpelcom
12555Data-Center Imaqliq Ltd.
12567Gaijin Network Ltd
12616CityTelecom LLC
12668LLC Komtehcentr
12679Sokolov Dmitry Nikolaevich
12683PJSC Rostelecom
12685PJSC Rostelecom
12686PJSC Rosbank
12688Joint Stock Company TransTeleCom
12690JSC ER-Telecom Holding
12695LLC Digital Network
12714PJSC MegaFon
12722Reconn LLC
12724Prokhorov General Physics Institute Russian Academy of Sciences Ras (GPI)
12730PJSC Rostelecom
12737Kraspromstroy LLC
12739JSC Netline
12768JSC ER-Telecom Holding
12770Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Pacific State University
12772JSC ER-Telecom Holding
12773Meshnet Ltd.
12790MSN Telecom LLC
12828Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution Federal Research Center Krasnoyarsk Scientific Center of The Siberian Branch of The Russian Academy of Sciences
12836Telecom-2 LLC
12841Veltrade LLC
12846PJSC Rostelecom
12925Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Lomonosov Moscow State University
12938Shemyakin-Ovchinnikov Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences
12958T2 Mobile LLC
12976CITIC Telecom CPC Rus LLC
12979JSC Transinfoset
12999Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education Far Eastern Federal University
13002Isix Communications LLP
13016Teleline Ltd.
13029Autonomous Institution Center of Information Technologies of Ministry of Digital Development Information Policy and Mass Communications of the Chuvash Republic
13056PJSC Rostelecom
13075PJSC MegaFon
13077Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education North-Caucasian Federal University
13079Zond Holding JSC
13094JSC ER-Telecom Holding
13095PJSC Vimpelcom
13105Lukoil Technology Services GmbH
13116Tele2 Sverige AB
13118PJSC Rostelecom
13161LTD Technocom
13165Siberian Internet Company LLC
13178LLC Real-Net
13185FSBE Institution of He I.S. Turgenev Orlovsky State University
13213UK-2 Limited
13215JSC Telecommunication Company Convey Plus
13227Kraft-S LLC
13230JSC Avantel
13238Yandex LLC
13257PJSC Vimpelcom
13259Delta Telesystems Ltd.
13296Innor Ltd.
13302Linkey Ltd
13335CloudFlare Inc.
14576Hosting Solution Ltd.
15133Edgecast Inc.
15370Citadel LLC
15378T2 Mobile LLC
15428DagNet Ltd.
15449Rosohrana Telecom LLC
15454ARBUZ Co.Ltd
15468OJSC Rostelecom
15493Russian Company LLC
15508Novosoft Razvitie Ltd.
15552LLC Real-Net
15556City Solutions LLC
15559PJSC Renaissance Insurance Group
15582JSC Comcor
15599JSC Avantel
15632JSC Alfa-Bank
15638OctopusNet Ltd
15672OOO Telecom TZ
15673Teleseti Plus Ltd.
15682Iteranet LLC
15707Open Joint Stock Company INGOSSTRAKH Insurance Company
15723Azeronline Ltd Joint Enterprise
15741Expiline Ltd.
15754OOO Taxtelecom
15756JSC Avantel
15757Joint Stock Company Gazprom Space Systems
15759PJSC Rostelecom
15774Limited Liability Company TTK-Svyaz
15848Federal State Unitary Enterprise of the Order of the Red Banner of Labour Russian Broad-casting and Notification Network
15850Cyberplat OOO
15867ED-Partner LLC
15868Nalchik-Telecom Ltd
15870BST Ltd.
15880Private entrepreneur Chikalin Anatoly Nikolaevich
15884Expert Pro LLC
15886Ltd. Konnektika
15913Institute for Automation and Control Processes of
15930Wipline LLC
15934PJSC Rostelecom
15974Joint Stock Company TransTeleCom
15984CentroCredit Bank Moscow JSC
16020PJSC Moscow City Telephone Network
16043PJSC Vimpelcom
16047Limited Liability Company YarTranzitTelecom
16083StackNet Service LLC
16094MagistralNY Telecom LLC
16143OOO NIIR-RadioNet
16176MegaLine Ltd.
16222Fort Ltd
16227VIP Line Telecom Ltd.
16230Company Skynet Ltd
16249Open Joint Stock Company Hlebprom
16262DataCheap LLC
16285Joint Stock Company TransTeleCom
16300JSC ER-Telecom Holding
16301PJSC Rostelecom
16321Aiconet Ltd.
16323Informatsionniye Systemy i Technologii CJSC.
16345PJSC Vimpelcom
16625Akamai Technologies Inc.
18464Alvidi Technology Inc
20473The Constant Company LLC
20483Eurocom Ltd.
20485Joint Stock Company TransTeleCom
20499IP Connect LLC
20527Garant-Telecom Ltd.
20533PJSC Vimpelcom
20549State Educational Enterprise of Higher Professional Education Moscow Power Engineering Institute (Technical University)
20576Gazprom telecom LLC
20590Donbass Electronic Communications Ltd.
20597PJSC Vimpelcom
20611UK PS Group Ltd
20619Alanit Ltd.
20631Artecom Ltd
20632PJSC MegaFon
20655E-Style ISP LLC
20688Chudo Telecom Ltd.
20690JSC Apatit
20698LLC Avtodor-TollRoads
20702JSC Russian Railways
20720LLC Tatarstan-On-Line
20764CJSC Rascom
20772South West State University
20793RTL LLC
20807JSC ER-Telecom Holding
20817FGBU REA Minenergo Russia
20821Limited Liability Company Business Information Technology
20826S-Logistic Ltd
20842IPTP Ltd
20848Rosbusinessconsulting JSC
20866LLC Promsvyaz-Invest
20870Joint Stock Company TransTeleCom
20872PJSC Bank Uralsib
20895Yuzhniy Telecom Ltd.
20916IE Arzanov Vladimir Aleksandrovich
20919DataFort LLC
20940Akamai International B.V.
20946OBIT Ltd.
20985ArtX LLC
21008ComLink Telecom Ltd.
21017PJSC Rostelecom
21020State Autonomous Institution of the Republic of Dagestan Information Technology Center
21023Joint Stock Company Ural Industrial Bank
21030Docker Ltd
21051Astrum LLC
21087Electronniy Gorod Ltd.
21105OOO RTK-Primorye
21127Joint Stock Company TransTeleCom
21135JSC Multiregional Transittelecom
21140Fly Telecom LLC
21141OpenStack Ltd
21143Tula State University
21166SatGate LLC
21180Bayer AG
21184Farpost Int.
21191Joint Stock Company TransTeleCom
21226Krasnoyarsky Ptus ZAO
21231PJSC Aeroflot
21252PJSC Bank Uralsib
21266Moscow Communication Center of Energy AO
21275JSC Management Company Metallinvest
21292Joint-Stock Company National System of Payment Cards
21298Republican Fund 'Mordovia-Internet'
21314LLC KASSIR.RU - National Ticket Operator
21332PJSC Vimpelcom
21353JSC ER-Telecom Holding
21367Wiland Ltd
21372LLC My Telecom
21375JSC Concern Rosenergoatom
21378PJSC Rostelecom
21416The Technical Center of Internet Limited Liability Company
21418Harvestr Ltd.
21438Joint Stock Company TransTeleCom
21446SoTel LLC
21447JSC ER-Telecom Holding
21453Flex Ltd.
21479PJSC Rostelecom
21480PJSC Vimpelcom
21483PJSC Vimpelcom
21487PJSC Rostelecom
21496Sibirskie Seti Ltd.
21859Zenlayer Inc
23242LLC City-Telekom
24429TAOBAO Zhejiang Taobao Network Co. Ltd
24588JSC ER-Telecom Holding
24589Telenet SIA
24613JSC Publishing House Burda
24626Joint Stock Company TransTeleCom
24638Rambler Internet Holding LLC
24658Information & Computing Center Ltd.
24663Zao Complat-Telecom
24680JS Company Compnet
24683Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Orenburg State University
24684OOO IPPort
24689JSC Rosin.Telekom
24697Saturn Ltd
24699PJSC Rostelecom
24739JSC Severen-Telecom
24758Mikroel Ltd
24762Datamax-M LLC
247743Data LLC
24783PJSC Rostelecom
24787Sprint Net Ltd.
24789PJSC Rostelecom
24810PJSC Rostelecom
24811Joint Stock Company Kuzbassenergosviaz
24823VTB Bank (Public Joint-Stock Company)
24832LLC Nauka-Svyaz
24837MegaLink LLC
24866PJSC MegaFon
24873PJSC Rostelecom
24881Interphone Ltd.
24913Bank Saint Petersburg PJSC
24924Non-commercial 'Partnership Institute of Professional Accountants and Auditors of Russia
24936Plusinfo OOO
24955JSC Ufanet
24971Master Internet s.r.o.
25000TOV DV-Com
25001RIKOP Ltd.
25073LTD Komin
25096Varyagi LLC
25100Non State Educational Institution Educational Scientific and Experimental Center of Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
25141Teleradiocompany Soniko-Svyaz Ltd
25159PJSC MegaFon
25185Psi Company Limited
25189AO Countrycom
25227JSC Avantel
25231State Budget Enterprise of Novosibirsk Region Novosibirsk Region Center of Information Technologies
25251Alpha Online Ltd
25292Federal State Unitary Enterprise the Russian Television and Radio Broadcasting Company
25299Kompeatelecom Ltd.
25308CityLanCom LTD
25341LLC Nauchno Proizvodstvennaya Firma Raspredelennaya Obrabotka Informacii
25355Intelecom LLC
25371Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics Russian Academy of Sciences
25379PEKITEL Ltd.
25381LLC Svyaztranzit
25408JSC ER-Telecom Holding
25436PJSC Rostelecom
25437Osipenko Alexander Nikolaevich
25446JSC ER-Telecom Holding
25449Joint Stock Company Gubernskie Apteki
25451Ru LLC
25474OKB-Telecom OJSC
25478iHome LLC
25490PJSC Rostelecom
25511JSC RCS
25513PJSC Moscow City Telephone Network
25515PJSC Rostelecom
25520JSC Futures Telecom
25530SFT Company LLC
25531PJSC Rostelecom
25532LLC Masterhost
25549JSC Avantel
25591BCLan LLC
25592NETIS Telecom LLC
25880Public Joint-Stock Company Rutelekom
26548PureVoltage Hosting Inc.
28267LANTEC Comunicacao Multimidia Ltda
28703PJSC Vimpelcom
28709Vkontakte Ltd
28712PJSC Rosbank
28734Aton LLC
28736OOO Telecom-Net
28738LLC Company Interlan Communications
28741Real Estate Hospitality Ltd.
28745Joint Stock Company TransTeleCom
28748Marc Pauls (AlphaCron Datensysteme)
28761CrimeaCom South LLC
28762CityTelecom LLC
28769Joint Stock Company TransTeleCom
28775OOO Transtelecom
28800State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Moscow State Institute of A Radio Engineering Electronics and Automatics (MIREA)
28809LLC Nauka-Svyaz
28812PJSC Bashinformsvyaz
28825CJSC Telekommunikacii 21
28840PJSC Tattelecom
28860PJSC Rostelecom
28881PJSC Bashinformsvyaz
28890Insys LLC
28891CJSC City Telecom
28899Autonomous Institution of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug Ugra Ugra Research Institute of Information Technology
28900JSC CentrInform
28912AO Investment Firm Olma
28917Fiord Networks UAB
28947ZAO Int
28965JSC Teleradiocompany Petersburg
28968JSC Evrasia Telecom Ru
28989Expobank JSC
29000Sensor Systems Limited Company
29031Lugansk Telephone Company
29038Airport ''Khrabrovo'' Closed Joint-Stock Company
29041JSC Konar
29043Natural Person Kishka Anry Aleksandrovich
29069PJSC Rostelecom
29071Sputnikovaya Svyaz LLC
29072Regional Digital Telecommunication Company LLC
29076CityTelecom LLC
29114Limited Liability Company Business Information Technology
29124Iskratelecom CJSC
29125PJSC Vimpelcom
29128Digital Service Ltd.
29147State Educational Enterprise of Higher Professional Education Novosibirsk State Technical University
29182JSC IOT
29184IGRA-Service LLC
29196LLC Inzhenernye Seti - Telekom
29226JSC Mastertel
29233Telecommunications Center Umos LLC
29258CJSC Jet Infosystems
29285PJSC Moscow City Telephone Network
29303Perm Internet Company LLC
29304JSC Satis-TL-94
29319Informational-Measuring Systems Ltd.
29329Resource-M LLC
29363OOO 'Rus'
29388Best Telecom ISP
29420AlloTelecom LLC LLC
29426AO Connecto
29450JSC Centerinform
29456PJSC Rostelecom
29470JSC Retnnet
29476OOO RTS Telecom
29493Federal State Budget Institution Petersburg Institute of Nuclear Physics of B.P. Konstantinov
29503JSC Ratmir-ADS
29509Teal Fox LLC
29528ERC - Financial Logistics Ltd.
29547JSC CentrInform
29554Svyaznoy Chain LLC
29561JSC Firma Center Vnedreniya Protek
29581State Educational Institution of higher professional Education 'Altay State University' Named After Polzunov I.I.
29588Ivstar Ltd
29603Commercial Bank Capital Kredit Ltd Ltd.
29648PJSC MegaFon
29651JSC RT Labs
29802Hivelocity Inc.
30721SatGate LLC
30729Transfer Ltd.
30733JSC Globus-Telecom
30738NetArt Group s.r.o.
30745Site LLC
30749PJSC Rostelecom
30767JSC Tagil Telecom
30768Lantek LLC
30784Iskratelecom CJSC
30812Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Mari State University
30822Dubrovskaya Nataliya Vladislavovna
30831LLC MMK-Informservice
30833Technology & Networks LLC LLC
30852JSC Volgainformnet
30853Main Radio Meteorological Centre (MRMC)
30854Velnet Telecom LLC
30855Tele-plus LLC
30856OJSC EVRAZ Nizhny Tagil Metallurgical Plant
30869Federal State Autonomous Educational Institute of Higher Education Russian University of Transport
30871Municipalnoe Kazennoe Uchrezhdenie Goroda Novosibirska Hozyaistvennoe Upravlenie
30877Ariadna-Link CJSC
30910Joint Stock Company Tagnet
30911State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education 'Altai State Technical University after I.I.Polzunov'
30920Mobilon Telecommunications LLC
30924Ooonpk Katharsis
30928ZAO Rubtsovsk
30936RENET COM Ltd.
30943ZAO Web Hosting
30952Kit Finance (JSC)
30953Niko-2001 LLC
30960OOO Scientific-Production Center Tetra
31028Novoe Kabelnoe Television Ltd.
31036JSC ER-Telecom Holding
31059Avelacom Business Ltd.
31069FOP Mukhina Kateryna Volodymyrivna
31088PJSC MegaFon
31112Siberian Telecommunications Ltd.
31133PJSC MegaFon
31138Ltd IPTelecom
31163PJSC MegaFon
31174Ao Raiffeisenbank
31183JSC European Media Group
31192JSC Open Technologies 98
31195PJSC MegaFon
31200Novotelecom Ltd
31205PJSC MegaFon
31208PJSC MegaFon
31213PJSC MegaFon
31214TIS Dialog LLC
31224PJSC MegaFon
31225JSC Oblcom
31240Filanco LLC
31257Orion Telecom LLC
31261PJSC MegaFon
31275LLC Telecom-Service
31277OOO New Line Telecom
31294Stis Engineering LLC
31314Digital-Service LLC
31324Ministry of industry and trade of the Russian Federation
31336Mitu Telecom LLC
31344Joint Stock Company State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation - Physical and Energy Institute Named After A.I. Leipunsky
31357Limited Company Information and Consulting Agency
31359PJSC Vimpelcom
31363JSC ER-Telecom Holding
31364Joint Stock Company TransTeleCom
31368Astelnet Ltd.
31370OOO Gruppa Mosline
31376Smart Telecom Limited
31379Federal Agency for State Property Management
31415Spetsvysotstroy JSC
31425PJSC Vimpelcom
31430OOO Suntel
31444SeaExpress Ltd.
31462Absolut Bank (PAO)
31466Interoperator Alliance Ltd
31470JSC Chelyabinsk Electric-Metallurgical Kombinat Ltd.
31483JSC ER-Telecom Holding
31484JSC ER-Telecom Holding
31496PJSC Rostelecom
31499Ekaterinburg-2000 LLC
31500Global Network Management Inc
31503Master IT Ltd.
31512OJSC Telecommunications Fez Nakhodka
31514OOO Trivon Networks
31531TOV Point
31566SkyNetwork Ltd.
31575National Research University of Electronic Technology
31620JSC Expocentr
31626OOO ZVI Telecom
31643Gorodskaya Elektronnaya Svyaz Ltd
31656EmNet Ltd
31690GeoTelecommunications LLC
31695Limited Company Intermedia
31703Mobil-Group Ltd
31720Enginet OOO
31724Svyazist LLC
31738LLC Nrtsdo
33797OOO WestCall Ltd.
33819Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Vladivostok State University
33844Sberbank of Russia PJSC
33871Norilsk-Telecom JSC
33888Federal State Unitary Enterprise State Scientific-Research Institute of the Civil Aviation
33892LLC Severskelectrosvyaz
33902Invest Mobile LLC
33903Closed Joint Stock Company Croc Incorporated
33904Limited Liability Company Telcomnet
33908Ao Kirovtelecom
33934PJSC Rostelecom
33936Joint stock company Severstal-infocom
33962CityTelecom LLC
33987Netway Ltd
33991IGRA-Service LLC
33993Information and Communication Technologies LLC
34017Federal State Budgetary Institution of Sciences Khabarovsk Federal Research Center of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
34033OOO Salon 2116 Electronic Post Office
34038PJSC Vimpelcom
34042MT-Telecom LLC
34047Bystrov Dmitriy Sergeevich
34052OOO NPP Logika
34085PJSC Nico-Bank
34098OJSC Bank Zenit
34102Imperator LLC
34121RUSAL Global Management BV
34123Netorn LLC
34137PJSC Rostelecom
34139TSI Service JSC
34150JSC ER-Telecom Holding
34166New Communication Technologies LLC
34168PJSC Rostelecom
34205PJSC Rostelecom
34211Lanport-S LLC
34221Digiteh LLC
34223ZAO N-Region
34232PulNet LLC
34241New Communication Technologies LLC
34246PJSC Forward Energy
34267PJSC Rostelecom
34268OOO Ainet
34287T2 Mobile LLC
34291PJSC Chelyabinvestbank
34300Internet-Cosmos LLC
34303Ao Sviaz Telecom
34320MNW RU Ltd
34322VIK Master Ltd.
34327JSC E-Publish
34336PJSC Sovkombank
34352MSN Telecom LLC
34381Metro Cash & Carry LLC
34389Siberian Generating Company Limited Liability Company
34434JSC Atlas-2
34456Rial Com JSC
34464Media Sououz Ltd.
34467JSC Telephone Company Sotcom
34470PortTelekom LLC
34479Federal Research Center for Information and Computational Technologies
34485Svyaznoy Chain LLC
34500FGUP CTSPI MGA Russia
34503YouNet Ltd.
34518Radiokom Ltd.
34527LLC Netfort
34528JSC Regional navigational information center Nizhny Novgorod
34533JSC ER-Telecom Holding
34535Standart AG LLC
34545Webinar Tehnologii OOO
34550LLC Intercon
34552PJSC MegaFon
34559Svyazresurs-Region Ltd
34561Company Uraltranskom Ltd.
34573Information-Computer Center Oberon Plus LLC
34574Reksoft Co. Ltd.
34580OOO Mediaseti
34582Voronezh-Signal LLC
34584PJSC Rostelecom
34590JSC ER-Telecom Holding
34597LLC Sunlight
34602Megasvyaz LLC
34629Resurs-Svyaz Ltd
34639SZ Samolet Development LLC
34642Tatarintsev Igor Vitalevich
34644PJSC Vimpelcom
34662VTB Bank (Public Joint-Stock Company)
34665Petersburg Internet Network Ltd.
34671Tomskneftehim Ltd.
34682Komplektorg OOO
34687Fastnet LLC
34698JSC Logistics Company Molcom
34703LTD Pokrovsky Radiotelefon
34706JSC NPF Deserving Future
34707State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education 'Kemerovo State University'
34709JSC Race Telecom
34739Electronic Shield Ltd.
34747PJSC Vimpelcom
34757Sibirskie Seti Ltd.
34771Megaseti Ltd.
34777JSC Agrokompleks Im.N.I. Tkacheva
34784RuSat Ltd.
34786OOO NPO Intermet
34802Commercial Bank Renaissance Credit LLC
34804LLC Powernet
34824Samarasvyazinform Ltd
34829LLC Nauka-Svyaz
34832Novosystem Ltd.
34836JSC RCS
34838JSC Alfainsurance
34843Managing company Realty of Petersburg Ltd
34849Federal State Institution of Higher Professional Education Peoples Friendship University of Russia
34851Pension and Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation
34853JSC Agency of Economical Information Prime
34855Stroy-Telecom Ltd
34858Telezon-Seti LCC
34862Institution of Russian academy of sciences Kotel'nikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics of RAS
34869Insys LLC
34879OOO Sovremennye Setevye Tekhnologii
34881Slavyansk EKO Ltd.
34882KTV Olimp TV LLC
34887Center of Information Technologies of Republic Tatarstan GUP
34892PJSC Rostelecom
34894PJSC Vimpelcom
34896Vostoktelecom Telephone Company Limited Liability Company
34901GDC Services LLC
34910JSC Freight One
34925JSC ER-Telecom Holding
34944LLC Zenit-Arena
34959Kviktel LLC
34974PJSC Rostelecom
34975Azimut-R Ltd.
34998SDM-Bank PJSC
35000JSC Severen-Telecom
35005Viltel Ltd
35013JSC Alfa-Bank
35018Sibirskie Seti Ltd.
35021Limited Liability Company MOEX Information Security
35022Gazprombank JSC
35025AO Teleconnect
35026Gelicon-Apple Limited liability company
35048Biterika Group LLC
35083JSC dom.rf
35087NTSI Telecom Ltd
35102Join Stock Company Russian Standard Bank
35112GBN Group Ltd
35119Garden Pro LLC
35125PJSC Rostelecom
35129LLC Tetra-Telematik
35140JSC Race Telecom
35154PJSC Rostelecom
35162Internet Ltd.
35165Ltd. Web MAX
35177PJSC Rostelecom
35178Grand-Telecom LLC
35195Ao Suek
35196Network Management Ltd
35233Cinimex-Informatica JSC
35237Sberbank of Russia PJSC
35239LLC Balttelecom
35257LLC Laboratory of Modern Financial Research
35271JSC Aviel
35273Serhii Leonidovich Ponomarov LLC
35295JSC RU-Center
35298PJSC MegaFon
35301OOO Cccmos Group Rus
35304JSC Dalnevostochnoe Aviacionnoe Agentstvo Spectr Avia Service
35354B1-IT LLC
35374JSC ER-Telecom Holding
35381Nikita Sergienko
35387Synergy University
35401AO Tele-Service Tula
35411SIBINET Ltd.
35420Perspektiva Ltd.
35455Ralf Ringer Management LLC
35469PJSC Joint-stock Commercial Bank Avangard
35479ActiveBusinessconsult LLC
35508Teranet LLC
35516PJSC Rostelecom
35522JSC Business-center Capital
35526Smart Technology LLC
35527AlfaTEL OOO
35533CrimeaCom South LLC
35539Information and Communication Technologies LLC
35558Izhevsk Network Technologies Ltd
35564Link LLC
35569JSC RU-Center
35571JSC MultiLine
35580JSC Tsemros
35591Yuginterseti LLC
35598Inetcom Carrier LLC
35608R-Line 1 LLC
35624Silverstar Invest Limited
35631Smart Telecom Limited
35640OOO Migraph
35644IQMen - Information Business Systems JSC
35645Limited Liability Company Vladinfo
35658OOO Scientific Research Center Bulat
35683Far-Eastern Bank Ltd
35713Careerum Ou
35723Transport Telecommunication Company LLC
35730OOO Organizational Technological Solutions 2000
35751Internet Tekhnologii LLC
35755Ao Niisa
35764State Institution Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute
35768Sergey Cherentayev
35769Limited Liability Company Gazprom Neftekhim Salavat
35770New-Com Trade Ltd.
35774Holding Company Interros (LLC)
35780Logix telecom LLC
35783Info-connect Ltd.
35802OAO National Bureau of Credit History
35807Skynet Ltd.
35810Big Telecom JSC
35815LLC Cifrovie Seti Urala
35816Lancom Ltd.
35824Commaster Ltd.
35835Public Budget-Funded Health Care Institution Kemerovo Regional Health Care Research and Information Center
36183Akamai Technologies Inc.
38912NewLines Ltd.
38917Intercomtel Limited Company
38922Wiland Ltd
38928JSC Glonass
38934Pride Limited company
38951PJSC Rostelecom
38958Alfa Telecom Ltd.
38959LLC Radiolink
38971ATOL LLC.
38972Suhoy Log Intersat LTD.
38974JSC Faberlic
38978Intertelecom Ltd.
38984M9 Com Ltd
38986Limited LC Sputnik TELEPORT
39028JSC ER-Telecom Holding
39033MediaOperator LLC
39034FotoExpert Ltd
39042LLC Global Telecom Co
39045Gazprom telecom LLC
39046Theorema Telecom Limited
39047Multiservice Networks Ltd.
39048Runtime LLC
39055Infinity Ltd.
39058Step Logic LTD
39061Layka Ltd.
39068Main Telecom LLC
39073Branch of JSC FGC UES
39087P.A.K.T LLC
39089State Unitary Enterprise of the Donetsk People's Republic Ugletelecom
39092Baltica Breweries LLC
39101Piter-Telecom Ltd.
39102Global Network Management Inc
39113Digital Solutions LLC
39119Cool Messages Ltd.
39121Eniseyneftegas Territorial Industrial Technical Management of Communication LLC
39125KB Rubin Ltd.
39131State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Dagestan State University
39134Edinaya Set Limited Liability Company
39143Scientific-Production Enterprise Business Sviaz Holding LLC
39150Hosting Telecom Ltd
39153LLC Setel
39156First Telecom Ltd
39161Topologiya LLC
39167PJSC Kalibr
39178Optilink Ltd
39191GNR Group LLC
39216AL-SARD FIBER Co. for Internet Fiber and Optical Cable Services /Ltd.
39238OKB Progress LLC
39240Svyaztelecom Ltd.
39248Artem Zubkov
39252PJSC Yakovlev
39254Bank Saint Petersburg PJSC
39256Fannet Telecom LLC
39264Region Svyaz Konsalt LLC
39266Insurance Company Reso-Garantia
39267Credit Bank of Moscow PJSC
39269Kaliningrad Center of Informatization and Technical Creativity
39284Sochi-Rost LLC
39293RT Center LLC
39294LADA-MEDIA Ltd.
39303C-Retail LLC
39304Chitatehenergy JSC
39317Megapage Ltd.
39321GazenergoBank JSC
39323Gbu So Tsifrovoy Region
39337JSC Corp Soft
39350Joint Stock Company BM-Bank
39360Mosoblcom LLC
39374Tele2 Russia Network
39376Joint-Stock Company World Trade Center Moscow
39379Uraltelebest Ltd.
39395SE Koreshkov Aleksey Vladimirovich
39406LLC Cifrovie Seti Urala
39407PJSC Rostelecom
39408Lavrentyev Alkesandr Arkadievich
39410Anisimov Mikhail Mikhailovich
39415PJSC Moscow City Telephone Network
39424ProtoCloud Plus LLC
39429Abby Production Ltd.
39434Subnet LLC
39435JSC ER-Telecom Holding
39442JSC RDE Unico
39476Life Net LLC
39488Kleynkom LLC
39493CJSC Kolomna-Sviaz TV
39494JSC RU-Center
39503Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University
39523Vasilyev Ivan Ivanovich
39529Osipenko Alexander Nikolaevich
39539LLC KTZ
39548Service-Telematic LLC
39558IP Resurs Ltd.
39561Domain Names Registrar Ltd
39562GKU to CIT
39575Siberian Internet Company LLC
39577Goodnet LLC
39578Ltd Maxima
39580Gbuz Miac Yanao
39585Radio-Continental Ltd.
39586NPP Saturn Telecom Ltd.
39589Joint-Stock Company Moskabelmet
39593JSC Ufanet
39594Anex Tourism LLC
39598Global Network Management Inc
39604Non-public corporation MASARMAT
39612Tevia Ltd.
39631APR Media Services - OMD Ltd.
39678OOO All Up Net
39684OOO Mango Telecom
39688OJSC OTP Bank
39697Borishof Holding LLC
39707OOO Svyazinform
39709Extreme Ltd
39711AB Inbev Efes JSC
39713JSC Kola GMK
39718MIR Telecom LLC
39728Likhno Dmitriy Trading As Luganet
39735PermTelecom Ltd
39740TelecomService Ltd.
39741data-centr ekaterinburg OOO
39749Befree Ltd
39775Limited Liability Company HyperNet
39785Axioma LLC
39789Limited Liability Company Active
39798MivoCloud SRL
39805Sattarov Albert Ildusovich
39812Closed Joint Stock Company Radiotelephone
39818Absolut Bank JSC
39821OOO Versiya
39843LLC Ratekom
39850Public Joint Stock Company National Bank Trust
39853LLC Gazpromneft ITO
39860Inteks Service Ltd.
39864Company Tensor LLC
39901Apelsin LLC
39911JSC RN Rostovnefteprodukt
39922MOT Ltd
39927E-Light-Telecom Ltd.
40966ZAO Web Hosting
40977Invest-Pro Ltd
40995Sibirskie Seti Ltd.
40997Intelligent Archive LLC
41022CCS LLC
41024LLC Megacom-IT
41029State Historical Museum
41039Timer LLC
41058NeutralUplink Lda
41060Joint-Stock Commercial Bank Primorye
41065Popov Stepan
41066JSC RTComm.RU
41067SEB Bank JSC
41081Gorbunov Alexander Anatolyevich
41082Company Uraltranskom Ltd.
41085Qiwi JSC
41095IPTP Ltd
41098NetFox Ltd.
41102ZR-Telecom Plus Ltd.
41106Sprint-S Ltd.
41109TELEMEDNET TELEMEDNET - net of Center Children Telemedicin i
41112Centrcvyastelecom LLC
41118Private Institution SCC of Rosatom
41122MT Lab LLC
41123Gorodskie Telekommunikatsionnye Sistemy LLC
41127LLC Soro Telecom
41134PJSC Rostelecom
41143OOO Ob-Telecom
41148Zolotaya Linia Ltd.
41162Federal State Autonomous Institution Russian Foundation for Technological Development
41172Utility Enterprise Company Donbass Water
41184Budgeting & Financial Technologies LLC
41185National system of payment cards Joint-stock Society
41187National system of payment cards Joint-stock Society
41190PJSC Rostelecom
41202Unitel LLC
41212OOO Carcade
41220Building Service LLC
41223CPM Ltd.
41226VTB Bank (Public Joint-Stock Company)
41257Sam-MB LLC
41259Digital Solutions JSC
41268LANTA Ltd
41269Nikita Sergienko
41275Moscow Russia
41302KVS Ltd
41310Komputer Technology Ltd.
41311Center of Connection Informatic and Telecommunication LLC
41330T2 Mobile LLC
41337ISG Limited
41338Rocktel LLC
41341Joint Stock Company TransTeleCom
41349Limited Liability Company MVM Technology
41377OOO Faktor
41388JSC Original
41389Joint-Stock Company Commercial Bank Agropromcredit
41403JSC ER-Telecom Holding
41411Roo Ra V Sfere IT Lokalnaya Set
41430Russian National Commercial Bank (PAO)
41443OOO Smart-Telekom
41446Municipal Autonomous Educational Establishment of Supplementary Education of Children Center for Continuing Education of Children Computer Center
41460Korporatsia STS LLC
41465Limited Liability Company VolgoGazTelecom
41475SDK Ltd.
41500LLC Runet
41512NPO-Design LLC
41517MUP Strela Khabarovsk
41525Fili-Telecom LLC
41535Rusonyx Ltd.
41551VTB Bank (Public Joint-Stock Company)
41554Legioncom Ltd
41556LTD Telecon
41560UGMK-Telecom LLC
41566Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radio Electronics
41575Intercity Ltd.
41578ERC LLC
41599Private Higher Education Institution Autonomous Nonprofit Organisation 'Regional Finance and Economic Institute'
41601NEO Print Ltd.
41615JSC Russian Agricultural Bank
41616Teleservis-plus LLC
41617CJSC IFC Solid
41619Ao Kommersant
41636Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation
41639Limited Liability Company Incomsvyaz
41654Inetra LLC
41661JSC ER-Telecom Holding
41667LTD Tami & Co
41668JSC ER-Telecom Holding
41681JSC Televison Company NTV
41682JSC ER-Telecom Holding
41688City&Malls Ltd
41691PJSC Rostelecom
41704JSC Ufanet
41717Telfly Technology Limited
41718Vitrina Tv LLC
41719SKTV Spektr LLC
41722Miran Ltd.
41727JSC ER-Telecom Holding
41733JSC ER-Telecom Holding
41740Join-Stock Company Internet ExchangeMSK-IX
41745Baykov Ilya Sergeevich
41748OOO Volgasvyazservice
41754JSC ER-Telecom Holding
41774Kapital Life Insurance LLC
41775LLC E-Com
41786JSC ER-Telecom Holding
41787Online City LLC
41789LLC Teledyne Systems Limited
41794Sibirskie Seti Ltd.
41802Limited Liability Company Kvidex-Telecom
41812DipEx Group Ltd.
41816Megalog-Plus Ltd
41826Siberian Internet Company LLC
41829Regionset Ltd
41831Pravoved LLC
41842LLC Media Systems
41843JSC ER-Telecom Holding
41845OOO Fun Holding
41853Limited Liability Company NTCOM
41855Oss OJSC
41861OOO Mediaseti
41864Zelobit LLC
41875Planet Ltd.
41892Federal State Budget Institution Russian State Library
41895Inform-Svyaz Ltd
41904LLC 12Bit
41909Pinvds Ou
41925Limited Liability Company Izet Telecom Ural
41928Olympia Ltd
41929Sistemy Svyazi Llc
41938RTK-Volga-Ural LLC
41942JSC Dozor-Teleport
41957Directive LLC
41975OOO Rivc Simplex
41983Kaspersky Lab Switzerland GmbH
42001Media Sououz Ltd.
42002Dix Telecom LLC
42007Perviy TSOD LLC
42024CryptoPro Ltd
42027Management Company Volma LLC
42031Dynamic Network Technolodgies LLC.
42033CineLab Data Delivery LLC
42038Krivets Sergey Sergeevich
42048Siberian Federal University
42056Ministry for Economic Development of the Russian Federation
42065AO ElectronTelecom
42069AB Inbev Efes JSC
42071OOO Electronic Office
42072Positive Systems LLC
42097Sovtel Ltd
42104Maxima Ltd.
42110PJSC Vimpelcom
42116JSC ER-Telecom Holding
42119Melon Fashion Group JSC
42121The Federal Guard Service of the Russian Federation
42132Digit One LLC
42135Avga-Terra Ltd.
42139Join-Stock Company Internet ExchangeMSK-IX
42141Germes-Telecom LLC
42144OOO Nauka
42148Beirel Telecom LLC
42149Servis Telecom Ltd.
42151Planeta Ltd
42178Onetek LLC
42187Regional Information Technologies Ltd.
42190CJSC Energomera
42218JSC ER-Telecom Holding
42219KC City Call Ltd.
42231PJSC Promsvyazbank
42240Variti+ LLC
42244eServer s.r.o.
42245PJSC Vimpelcom
42250FOP Sergey Vasilyev
42253Telecom SP Ltd
42260SkySystems LLC
42268SE Khan Aleksandr Ilich
42269LLC Acme Telecom
42276ZAO Eastwind
42277Limited Liability Company Kursktelecom
42291OOO Istranet
42301Radio Kozerog LLC
42304Nemerov Evgeniy Vladimirovish Pe
42323Limited Liability Company TTK-Svyaz
42339Chaika Telecom Petersburg Limited Company
42358PJSC Rostelecom
42362PJSC Rostelecom
42364Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Lomonosov Moscow State University
42373Cryptocenter LLC
42377Youth Autonomous Non-Commercial Organisation Home Computer Network Strela
42385Join-Stock Company Internet ExchangeMSK-IX
42387Limited Company Svyazservice
42393Svyaz-Kontrakt LLC
42394UPP MicroComponent LLC
42399JSC RU-Center
42408TranSvyaz-N LLC
42413Privat Telecom LLC
42437T2 Mobile LLC
42444Insurance company SOGAZ-Med JSC
42451Limited Company Sakha Sprint Network
42478Yug-Link Ltd.
42481Rambler Internet Holding LLC
42482Informational-Measuring Systems Ltd.
42483Sotex PharmFirm CJSC
42484LLC Nauka-Svyaz
42511Connect LLC
42514Signal Service LLC
42516Sovtest-Internet Limited Liability Company
42518Unet Communication LLC
42521Arctic Telecom Limited Liability Company
42524CDEK-Global LLC
42526Computer Communication Systems LLC
42527Expert System Ltd
42528CJSC Sodruzhestvo Soya
42529Sladkih LLC
42532SIA Veesp
42534Comper Telecom LLC
42537Ait LLC
42548PJSC Rostelecom
42551Taltel LLC
42554PJSC Promsvyazbank
42558BrokerCreditService Ltd.
42559BrokerCreditService Ltd.
42561OOO NTS Gradient
42574Novaya Sibir Plus Ltd.
42577SE Vartikyan Artak Mkrtichovich
42582Join-Stock Commercial Bank Agropromcredit
42589UDP Ltd.
42608Yamal-Soft 2003 Ltd.
42610PJSC Rostelecom
42628Joint Stock Company Non-State Pension Fund of Sberbank
42632MnogoByte LLC
42636Severnet Ltd.
42653Moscomsvyaz Ltd
42661DM LLC
42668Nevalink LLC
42674Joint Stock Company Ingosstrakh Bank
42676Joint Stock Company Smartkom
42677Marathon Bookmaker Company Ltd
42678JSC Meganet
42682JSC ER-Telecom Holding
42683JSC ER-Telecom Holding
42693AO Bank Inteza
42696Unity Net LLC
42702DonbassInformCommunicationService Ltd.
42704Etalon+ Ltd.
42728Join-Stock Company Internet ExchangeMSK-IX
42740Backstage Ltd.
42742InterkamService LLC
42748OOO Transtelecom
42751JSC RU-Center
42753Sergey Cherentayev
42758PJSC Promsvyazbank
42765Excellent Signalman LLC
42767New-Com Trade Ltd.
42773Nemerov Evgeniy Vladimirovish Pe
42775Adworlds Technologies LP
42776I T Hands LLC
42787MultiMedia IP Ltd.
42809PJSC Rosseti
42822Regional Public Autonomous Institution Multifunctional Center of Perm Region
42827OOO Kolpinskie Internet-Seti
42834Astrostar LLC
42861Foton Telecom CJSC
42862JSC Aeroport Koltsovo
42870Siberian Internet Company LLC
42889Metavira LLC
42893Home Internet Ltd
42895INTRA Ltd.
42897Telnet LLC
42899Internet Plus LLC
42901Sirena Travel Ao
42911Internet Service Ltd.
42916IT Ltd.
42919LTD Darya
42920Far Eastern Shipping Company JSC
42922KaspNet Ltd.
42930Modem Ltd.
42940OOO Mediaseti
42971Interfonica LLC
42972JSC DPD Rus
42974JSC Sberbank-AST
42988OOO Teleport-Service Regions
42995Firma Geotelecom Ltd.
42996Rona LLC
42998Cross-I Ltd.
43000JSC Genbank
43011GUIT Omskoy oblasti
43020Optic-Telecom Ltd
43031V-Lan OOO
43042Deloitte & Touche Cis Ao
43045SVHOLD-AS Ltd.
43085CJSC Nauchno-Technicheskiy Centr Lokalnih i Geograficheskih Sistem
43087Speckless Enterprise Ltd
43095PJSC Promsvyazbank
43097JSC ER-Telecom Holding
43102RedSolex Ltd.
43106Nevacom Ltd
43132PJSC Rostelecom
43149Rocket Telecom Center LLC
43152JSC SC Ntel
43168Singer-Computer Ltd.
43170Ates LLC
43182ITT Ltd.
43199Oao Edinaya Evropa - Holding
43201Telematika LLC
43213Join-Stock Company Internet ExchangeMSK-IX
43226SafeData LLC
43228SimpleTelecom LLC
43234Chip-Telecom Ltd.
43235Sprint Inet LLC
43237LLC Convex Telephony
43238Optibit LLC
43246JSC Bank of Conversions Snezhinsky
43247Yoomoney NBCO LLC
43260DGN Teknoloji A.S.
43264Rto-Don LLC
43265RN Telecom Ltd.
43267JSC Severen-Telecom
43270Ryabikov Ivan
43273Optik Line LLC
43274Teleradiocompany Teleos-1 Ltd
43275PJSC Vimpelcom
43278Castles LLC
43287OOO Vit
43297VDS-Telecom LLC.
43298Storm Networks LLC
43299Limited Company Telecontact
43302PJSC Rostelecom
43307LLC Basalt Svobodnoe Programnoe Obespechenie
43314JSC ER-Telecom Holding
43317SIA Veesp
43319GP Internet Ltd.
43321Satelcom-Service Ltd.
43327Weacom Ltd
43328Red-Telecom LLC
43330Individual Entrepreneur Dmitriy Fokin
43349Evroline Severo-Zapad
43350NForce Entertainment B.V.
43362Hosting Ltd
43385Globalcom LLC
43396Sberbank of Russia PJSC
43399Tinkoff Bank JSC
43403LLC Sviaz Plus
43404Fastnet LLC
43410Credit Union Asiapay LLC
43429OOO Mediaseti
43434CJSC Contact TV
43444Blockchain Network Solutions Ltd
43454Rosa Khutor LLC
43465ReinfoCom Ltd.
43478JSC ER-Telecom Holding
43489JSC RU-Center
43502OOO Torgovij Dom EPK
43521Recom LLC
43523A.T.S. International s.r.o
43526Joint-Stock Commercial Bank Novikombank
43527Joint Stock Company Investment Company FINAM
43530Limited Liability Company Irtelcom
43537OOO WestCall Ltd.
43550JSC Avantel
43552Enterprise Medtech Ltd
43559Soesta ZAO
43567UG-TELECOM Ltd.
43574PJSC Rostelecom
43581ZTV Corp LLC
43592JSC Databank
43594Svyaz LLC
43595Ugresha Network Ltd.
43598Export Telecom LLC
43600PJSC Sovcombank
43605OJSC Sever Tele Radio Communication
43628ATD LLC
43634State Budgetary Institution of Sakha Respublic (Yakutiya) Respublicanskiy Centr Infokommunikatsionnykh Tekhnologiy
43660Shupashkartrans-K Ltd.
43661OOO Kip Konnect
43666A2 Ltd
43667Vermont-IT Limited Liability Company
43670New Telecommunication Company Ltd.
43673Multicarta LLC
43676Seldon 2 LLC
43678Gorizont-Telecom LTD
43684OTK LLC
43687PJSC Vimpelcom
43696LLC Telemir
43712Open Systems Ltd.
43714Production co-operative Economic-legal laboratory
43727JSC Kvant-Telekom
43728TELESET+ Ltd
43730AO AGC Bor Glass Works
43740Secure Telecommunication LLC
43741Sitirit-Telecom Ltd.
43761Svyazservice Ltd
43776Relsoft communications Ltd.
43782Joint Stock Company TransTeleCom
43785OJSC Research and Production Corporation Uralvagonzavod
43787Ing Bank (Eurasia) ZAO
43793PJSC Rostelecom
43797The Federal Guard Service of the Russian Federation
43798OOO Novatel
43801LLC Modern Communication Technologies
43805Lactalis Vostok JSC
43812Elfimov Sergey Ivanovich PE
43820Sivma CJSC
43830Basis LLC
43832Join-Stock Company Internet ExchangeMSK-IX
43849Sever-Svyaz LLC
43865Intek-M LLC
43882SOT LINE Limited Company
43886Utel Ltd
43900Cifra Broker LLC
43901OOO Mediaseti
43907PJSC Ingrad
43908JSC Pursvyaz
43909Crystall Ltd.
43912Ovechkin Anton Gennadievich PE
43946AirBridgeCargo LLC
43951LLC Lanit-Tercom
43952Oriflame Cosmetics Ltd
43966OOO IT-Region
43970PJSC Vimpelcom
43972Sergey Olenich
43973Qiwi JSC
43991Voronezh Telecom LLC
44011OOO TKS2000
44020Modern Solutions LTD
44030OtradnoeNet Ltd.
44039JSC Chelyabinsk Pipe-Rolling Factory
44041Korporatsia Svyazy Ltd.
44046TverLine Ltd.
44048Mosoblgaz JSC
44050Petersburg Internet Network Ltd.
44053JSC Avantel
44056Trytek LLC
44068Petersburg Internet Network Ltd.
44079Orbita Plus Mojaysk Ltd
44093JSC Esteit Invest
44094Webhost LLC
44096Bigfoot Telecom Ltd.
44102Insurance Company of Gaz Industry Sogaz Joint-Stock Company
44112Spaceweb Ltd
44116Ultima Internet Solutions LLC
44121R-Klimat LLC
44126OOO Terralink
44128Internet-Pro LLC
44139LLC Simferopol International Airport
44149Ubilink LLC
44151Mobilon Telecommunications LLC
44158Altura Ltd.
44162SE Chinkova Yuliya Viktorovna
44165PJSC Sovkombank
44172Courier Plus Ltd.
44174Public Joint-Stock-Company Territorial Generating Company-1 (Joint-Stock Bank)
44199Modern Solutions LTD
44206Sibirskie Seti Ltd.
44218China Telecom Europe Ltd.
44223Centrcombank Ltd
44232Radisson Moscow AS
44237PJSC Rostelecom
44240Algoritm Ltd.
44263Modul Ltd
44265OOO SmolTelecom
44267En+ Telekom LLC
44270TC Tor LLC
44310Internet Technologies LLC
44315Grandconsult Ltd
44341Nikita Sergienko
44342Pilyugin Vadim Vladimirovich
44345Mayak LLC
44347Limited Company Sint
44362Pentabox+ LLC
44378Beluga Market LLC
44386LLC Internet Solutions
44387Radashevsky Sergiy Oleksandrovich
44391JSC Elektrosvyaz
44401LASNET Ltd.
44405Sistemy Telekommunikatsiy i Svyazi Ltd.
44408Sberbank of Russia PJSC
44412PJSC Rostelecom
44417JSC Neotelecom
44420CIT Ltd.
44425Departament Informatizatsii i Svyazi Yaroslavskoy Oblasti
44428Host Expert LLC
44429MXTel Ltd.
44467PJSC Rostelecom
44470Commercial Bank Moskommertsbank JSC
44477Stark Industries Solutions Ltd
44478OOO Etalon-Optic
44479Federal State Unitary Enterprise Rossiya Segodnya International Information Agency
44484X-Trim Ltd.
44491ZAO Aquafon-GSM
44492MKTechnologiya Ltd.
44493Chelyabinsk-Signal LLC
44505BETA Group LLC
44507OJSC Kostroma Municipal Telephone Network
44522Join-Stock Company Internet ExchangeMSK-IX
44528Insys LLC
44532WapTak Ltd.
44533Alexey Geiner
44534Yandex LLC
44539Redi LLC
44540Kartel Ltd.
44542AO Countrycom
44546Alfa Telecom s.r.o.
44552Altura Ltd.
44554Impercom LLC
44555KONEKT Ltd.
44556DDoS-Guard Ltd
44559IT Hostline Ltd
44560Ministry of Interior Affairs of Russian Federation
44572LTD ParmaTel
44584Progress Tehnologiya LLC
44587Megacom-IT LLC
44595AO Publishing House Seven Days
44597Join-Stock Company Internet ExchangeMSK-IX
44604JSC Kvant-Telekom
44619OOO IT-Telecom
44621NTC Kompleksnaya Bezopasnost Ltd.
44622Telecom Plus Ltd.
44626Ltd Bca Home Internet
44627Link LLC
44634LLC SibSvayzStroy
44640Cactus Ltd.
44648Avetel LLC
44657JSC Steel Industrial Company
44660Umkast Media LLC
44661STD Petrovich LLC
44662Gbu Arkhangelskoi Oblasti Arkhtelecentr
44665PAO Sovcomflot
44670Tvigle Media LLC
44674MegaLine Ltd.
44676Perviy TSOD LLC
44678INKO Ltd.
44680Morion JSC
44687Ndbank JSC
44688Rieltorskiy Informatsionniy Tsentr autonomous non-commercial organization
44693IT Sistemy Ltd.
44696Rambler Internet Holding LLC
44699OOO Stroitelnaya Innovacia
44704Perekrestok-2000 LLC
44705Obyedinennye Nakhabinskie Seti LLC
44710TRK Sirius LTD
44715Globalcom Ltd.
44724OctopusNet Ltd
44734Intercom Ltd.
44751LLC Korston-Kazan
44759Binet Ltd.
44772LLC Inter-Svyaz-Group
44773PE Znamenskiy L.V.
44797Ao Suek
44798PP SKS-Pervomaysk
44799Aladdin R.D. JSC
44802Stanmix Oko Limited Liability Company
44804Emergn LLC
44811JSC Avantel
44812IP Server LLC
44816Delfin Telecom OOO
44834Pozitiv Telecom Ltd.
448351T Ltd
44840Kronshtadt JSC
44843MSS LLC.
44845Company Internet Technologies LLC
44847Russian Company Sever LLC
44849S.D.N. Seti Ltd.
44857JSC Vyksa Steel Works
44868Ural Federal University
44881Cybertech LLC
44882Vsevnet Ltd.
44884Regional Online Systems Ltd.
44899Smart Telecom Limited
44900Ao Nip Informzaschita LLC
44913JSC Ka-Internet
44915All-Russian Regional Development Bank JSC
44917JSC Tavrida Electrik GC
44923Saint-Petersburg Computer Networks Ltd.
44927LLC Telecom MPK
44941ZAO Astrakhan Digital Television
44943Ramtel Ltd.
44956Optical Cable Networks Ltd.
44963StavTelecom LLC
44975Martyukhin Alexandr Viktorovich
44985ExpoForum-International LLC
44988KovrovTelecom Ltd.
44999Mifril+ LLC
45000Sberbank of Russia PJSC
45005Gorizont Ltd
45013LLC Econotel
45018Join-Stock Company Internet ExchangeMSK-IX
45029Join-Stock Company Internet ExchangeMSK-IX
45046OOO Isatel
45051JSC ER-Telecom Holding
45054MetroBit Ltd.
45055Dontechsvyaz LLC
45102Alibaba US Technology Co. Ltd.
47104Prolink Ltd.
47111JSC ER-Telecom Holding
47117Sibline Ltd.
47118MAN net Ltd.
47119JSC Ufanet
47122Cyberfirst LLC
47124Ryazanskiy State University
47125ProService LLC
47133ProServis Ltd.
47140LLC Oblastnaya Set
47156Malnet Ltd.
47158MultiBonus LLC
47165Omskie Kabelnye Seti Ltd.
47166Ao Sviaz Telecom
47168LLC Lenvendo-Soft
47181Trancom Ltd
47183JSC Expert RA
47193Lan-Optic Ltd
47196Garant-Park-Internet LLC
47203JSC CrimeaTelecom
47204MCS LLC
47210Djivaya Voda Ltd.
47211OOO Kolpinskie Internet-Seti
47213IKA Telecom Ltd
47231Trade Company EuroHimService Ltd.
47235Don Apex LLC
47236Citylink Ltd
47241Joint Stock Company TransTeleCom
47243Onexim Group Ltd.
47247Maximum LLC
47256Olimp-Telecom26 LLC
47257Varnoff Ltd.
47258Premier Group Companies Telecom LLC
47259TV Company KESKO Ltd.
47270GL-21 LLC
47278Oao Moscow Long-Distance Exchange No. 9
47282LLC SP Abaza Telecom
47286OTS Ltd.
47307NCI LLC
47321Autonomous Non-Profit Organization Institute of Engineering Physics
47323LLC PioneerNet
47328DigitalOne AG
47334I-Media Ltd
47335ABN Ltd
47342Tario Ltd.
47349Teleradiocompany Bytradiotehnika Ltd.
47354PJSC LK Europlan
47358Federal State Budgetary Institution National Medical and Surgical Center Named After N.I. Pirogov of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation
47363Yunta Ltd.
47370Firma Sotrudnik Plus Ltd.
47375Munitsipalniy Kamchatprofitbank JSC
47378Vip-Technologies Ltd.
47379SITS Ltd
47385JSC RU-Center
47395PJSC MegaFon
47397Base Ltd.
47399Novoship PJSC.
47407MKU Digital Transformation of the City Administration of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk
47418LLS Regional TeleSystems
47429OOO TabLogix
47433Sibirskie Seti Ltd.
47437Sergey Mutin
47438Pskovline Ltd.
47439Sitikom Ltd.
47440Business System Telehouse OOO
47441Comfortel Ltd.
47445Join-Stock Company Internet ExchangeMSK-IX
47456Pervaja Baza Ltd.
47470CJSC Orlikov-5
47481Lime HD LLC
47486Telekta Ltd.
47503JSC NTC IT Rosa
47522LLC Netfort
47528Piter-IX Co. Ltd.
47530Novokuznetsk Telecom Ltd
47531GorPTUs OOO
47533Mbu Ctis Emr
47541Vkontakte Ltd
47542Vkontakte Ltd
47550FOP Bratinov Oleg Vyacheslavovich
47551Mayak Network LLC
47560KIT-Magadan LLC
47562Fast Link Ltd
47564Proizvodstvennoe Obyedineniye Tonus Ltd.
47566Kolchug-INFO Ltd.
47569Erlang Company Ltd.
47577Righthosting Ltd
47586Dmitriy V. Kozmenko
47594LC Comlink
47613Miatel LLC
47618Penzenskaya Telephonnaya Company Closed Joint-Stock Company
47620Tehnosoft LTD
47626Timer LLC
47634Udokan Copper LLC
47635Linenet Ltd.
47636Nitsora Alena Vladimirovna
47645Selena Telecom LLC
47652SuperJob Ltd.
47654VKS-Internet Ltd
47656Ast-Systems Ltd.
47668LLC R&D Center Scanex
47674Net Solutions - Consultoria em Tecnologias de Informacao Sociedade Unipessoal Lda
47677OJSC EuroChem Mineral and Chemical Company
47682A2 Ltd
47684StroyTechService LLC
47694Level-MSK Ltd.
47709Don Online JSC
47711Line Group Ltd.
47713European Networks OY
47723Softline PJSC
47724Limited Liability Company HeadHunter
47728Hyperus LLC
47733Digital Networks Ltd
47737Konsist-Os Joint-Stock Company
47739Aphrodite Limited
47740OAO Ubrir
47746Onnet Communications Ltd
47747Limited Liability Company TeleTower
47758Scientific and Technical Center RON-Telecom Ltd
47759POIG Ltd.
47763Avtosoyuz Plus Ltd.
47764LLC VK
47768UK Intis Telecom Ltd
47775JSC Ufanet
47779Ie Dikhtyaryuk Dmitriy Yurevich
47783CJSC Ferrero Russia
47785NTSI Telecom Ltd
47789Regionalniye Seti Ltd.
47808Freight Link OJSC
47819JSC Digital health technologies
47822Public Institution Novgorod Information and Analytical Center
47827UK Metalloinvest LLC
47839Zet Maximum Limited
47842JSC Teplopribor
47845Tiger-Telecom Ltd.
47851Industrial Financial company Ltd.
47852Investment Industrial Partner Ltd
47854Qwerty Ltd.
47855Quantum CJSC
47857DK Svyaz OOO
47860OOO OTC
47873Telecom V1 Ltd.
47895LTD Erline
47905JSC Novosibirskenergosbyt
47909Baikal Telecom LLC
47911JSC ER-Telecom Holding
47913Moshonkin Ilia Sergeevich
47914OOO Creative Direct Marketing Solutions
47923LanCraft LTD.
47925TNS-RU Ltd
47939TDV Teleradio Company Yalta
47954Alpha Net Telecom Ltd
47955OOO KTS-Telecom
47960Angreal LLC
47963IntraLine Ltd.
47968Delovaya Svyaz Ltd.
47972PJSC Rosseti Volga
47974Netcom LLC
47976Joint-Stock Company Maritime Bank
47989Mosinfocom Llc
47995Apple Technologies LLC
47996Kommunikatsyi Stels Ltd.
48009Limited Liability Company MOEX Information Security
48013Chemicomp+ JSC
48024NeroCloud LTD
48030Martynova Irina Nikolaevna
48032UMS LLC
48034IP Khachaturova Susanna Rafaelievna
48035PJSC Yakovlev
48036OOO Scientific-Production Enterprise Edma
48041Ekaterinburg-Signal Ltd.
48043Ozyorsk Telecom CJSC.
48044Rostelecom Information Technologies LTd
48050Specialized Designer Optima LLC
48051Alpla LLC
48054JSC Expobank
48058Far-Eastern Distribution Company JSC.
48061Limited Liability Company GPM Digital Technologies
48073Virtual Dalnegorsk Ltd.
48076Start LLC
48078Dagomys Telecom LLC
48084Uzhnie Magistraljnie Linii Svyazi LLC
48086Nikita Sergienko
48089Infanet Ltd.
48092T2 Mobile LLC
48096Enterprise Cloud Ltd.
48099ViaIP LLC
48102Zao Peter-Service
48104CJSB Surgutneftegabank
48108Dmitrii Vladimirovich Malkov
48120Flash Telecom LLC
48122JSC Helicopters Mil & Kamov
48128Obyedinyonniye Lokalniye Seti Ltd.
48129IRBIS Telecommunications Ltd.
48143Mirantis IT LLC
48148Sviazatominform Ltd. Company
48149Ivanteevskie Telecommunicacii Ltd
48158DigitalOne AG
48160OTK LLC
48166Fortex CJSC
48176OOO Set
48188K-Service LLC
48190T2 Mobile LLC
48197Unistream Commercial Bank (JSC)
48209OOO Lancronix
482193Data LLC
48223Senator Telecom Ltd.
48225JSC Telsi
48226OOO Infokom
48234Doo Realnet
48235Kirill Vechera
48236JSC Togliattikhimbank
48241Telecom Technologies Ltd
48247Government of Kaliningrad region
48249Capital Telecom Limited Company
48257Computer Information Technology Ltd.
48275Republican Unitary Enterprise Abkhazsvyaz
48276IPSvyaz OOO
48277Unified system of trade procedures Ltd.
48282Hosting Technology Ltd
48287JSC RU-Center
48293Uniontel Ltd
48302OOO Telecom GKhK
48308OOO TTC
48312PJSC Alrosa
48316Regional State Institution Regional Center of Automated Information Resource of Tomsk Region
48320KETIS Ltd.
48321RialCom Ltd.
48327Ray-Svyaz Ltd.
48330Sinev Maksim Viktorovich
48333RTS LLC
48343PJSC Rosseti Moscow Region
48347JSC MediaSoft Ekspert
48349ARQA Technologies LLC
48354Citylink Ltd
48365NUR Ltd.
48366Inforoom Ltd. Ltd.
48369M-Telecom Ltd.
48370Westcom Ltd
48371WestLAN Ltd
48379I.M.Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas
48383Invest Mobile LLC
48389Privet Internet LLC
48396Public Joint Stock Company Mining and Metallurgical Company Norilsk Nickel
48399Svyaz VSD LLC
48409NTK Ltd.
48416Information Network LLC
48421PJSC Rostelecom
48430Perviy TSOD LLC
48433Omiplat LLC
48441Society with limited liability MagLAN
48442Aurora Airlines JSC
48456IPX - FZCO
48462Neocom LLC
48467Pronet LLC
48470Joint Stock Company MTU Kristall
48472TrueNetwork LLC
48475Closed Joint Stock Company Oskolnet
48476Montazh Contact Ltd.
48477JSC Rusnarbank
48478Vostok Telecom Ltd.
48479Kuban-Telecom Ltd.
48481Kingisepp-Online Ltd.
48485Crane Ltd
48488JSC TNT-Teleset
48494Buko Ltd
48498Sochi-Online Ltd.
48499JSC Aeroclub
48507LTD SibMediaFon
48508Cryptocom Ltd.
48511Sector Telecom Ltd.
48515Praktika Ltd.
48524Interra Telecommunications Group Ltd.
48527OJSC Chelyabenergosbyt
48528LifeTelecom LLC
48530Stavropol Computer Networks Ltd.
48532JSC ER-Telecom Holding
48547Mac Tower Ltd
48552OJSC the Russian Armed Forces Broadcasting Company Zvezda
48558M-Line Ltd.
48561NP Automir CJSC.
48566OJSC Far Eastern Bank
48573PHAETON PLUS d.o.o
48578Nokian Tyres Ltd
48583CJSC EN Telecom
48586LLC Zero Kilometer
48595IE Parhomenko Aleksey Aleksandrovich
48600LLC Intercom Technology
48604ZAO N-Region
48610Bykov Roman Andreevich
48614ITsoft LLC
48642Joint Stock Company for
48651Ural Cable Networks Ltd.
48654RTK-centr ltd.
48666Centre for Strategic Planning of FMBA of Russia
48667Akvilon Ltd.
48670UNIS Ltd.
48673Department of Information-Communication Technologies and Information Security of Kursk Region
48676LLC Svyazenergo
48679Consultant Ltd.
48687Aleksandr Bobrichenko
48699Data Pool LLC
48709World of Connections Ltd.
48719Intelsvyaz Ltd.
48720VIP-Telecom-Service Ltd.
48722Kozlova Larisa Petrovna
48723LLC RT-Inform
48724Business Partnership LLC
48725Agrosvyaz-M Ltd
48731Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Voronezh State Agrarian University Named After Emperor Peter I
48733JSC. OKBM Afrikantov
48738Teleset ltd.
48739Sputnik Ltd
48757TrustInfo LLC
48758Fibrenet Ltd
48763LLC Smart Center
48770Assist Ltd.
48780Oltelecom JSC
48781AVK-Computer Ltd
48788MTS Digital LLC
48802OOO Povolzhskiy Processingoviy Center
48807IXcellerate LLC
48816Rosinter-Restaurants Ltd.
48822Universum Bit Ltd.
48827JSC Uraltransbank
48842Friend IT Ltd
48848Telekom Servis T Ltd
48853JSC PO Sevmash
48858JSC ER-Telecom Holding
48866Netcracker Technology EMEA Limited
48873LLC Proxicom
48876Alexei Tingaev
48877Yunicom Ltd
48890Solvo Ltd
48891JSC Alef-Bank
48909Cityline LLC
48914Zeppelin Rusland Ltd
48916JSC Kraftway Corporation PLC
48922Domodedovo_it_services LLC
48933Net Ltd
48936Altagen JSC
48938Guard-Inform Ltd.
48940Link Ltd.
48946JSC Comfortel
48949Media-TV Ltd.
48959MB Grupp LLC
48969Parus-Telecom Ltd.
48975Rus-Telecom Ltd.
48978Orbitel LLC
48986DiState Ltd.
48989Docker Ltd
48991Nikitin Maxim Sergeevich
48995IE Gilaskhanov Said Visirpashaevich
49002JSC Russian Post
49003PJSC Perm Powersale Company
49012Lenta Ltd
49031LLC Telemir
49037Prostie Reshenia LLC
49048JSC ER-Telecom Holding
49050Jet Money LLC
49053LLC Wildberries
49055New Information Technologies Ltd
49058DK Svyaz OOO
49063Dataline Ltd
49064PS TelecomService Ltd.
49070Telecompany Viza-2 Ltd.
49075Radio-Electronic Systems Institute Ltd
49098Studiya NOVA LLC
49106Opticom Group AO
49107Telko CJSC
49111Inet Ltd
49120Gorset Ltd.
49124CentroSet Ltd.
49128Joint Stock Company TransTeleCom
49136Telecommunication Networks Ltd
49140Hals-Development LLC
49153Nauchnye Razvlechenia Ltd.
49155IK-Servis Ltd.
49156Izhline Ltd.
49179Tendence LLC
49181Limited Liability Company DZHISIIKS
49184MediaService Ltd.
49186Federal State Institution Research and Development Institute Voskhod Fgau
49199Autonomous Nonprofit Organisation Russian Scientific-Research Institute for Public Networks
49202Kisara LLC
49210LLC IT Telecom
49211Joint Stock Company Sitronics KT
49218Nizhnetagilskie Kompyuternye Seti LLC
49231Chernogolovskaya Telefonnaya Kompaniya Ltd.
49235TomGate LLC
49238Doctor Web LLC
49241PJSC Sovkombank
49246JSC Trading House Gum
49253Bringo Ltd
49255TeleGlobal Ltd.
49261Lekstar Communication Ltd.
49267Baikal Teleport CJSC
49279BEFL Ltd.
49280Ruslan Saifullin
49291JSC RTComm.RU
49293Digital Tehnology Ltd
49301Joint Stock Company TransTeleCom
49311Regional TeleSystems Ltd.
49315Centrsvyaz CJSC
49320Golitsyno Telecom Ltd
49325Kvartal Plus Ltd
49326AO Pactour Agency
49336Zlato Telecom-Smolensk Ltd
49339GOU VPO Yugra State University
49340ZAO Svyaz'-Invest Severo-Zapad
49342OOO Mediaseti
49346Internet Service Ltd.
49347Public Joint Stock Company TranscapitalBank
49351Digital communications standards LLC
49352Domain Names Registrar Ltd
49356SamaraEnergo PJSC
49357Klick Ltd
49358JSC Guta-Bank
49361Gazprom Transgaz Yugorsk Ltd
49368DomoLAN Ltd.
49369Staff Governor and Government of the Orenburg Region
49371Shark Telecom LLC
49373Foton Telecom CJSC
49376Belka-Telecom Ltd.
49381Com-Site Ltd
49390JSC Specialized Depositary Infinitum
49392LLC Baxet
49394BusinessIntersoft LLC
49395RTCloud LLC
49400PageMaster Ltd
49403AVK-Wellcom Ltd.
49404Russian Servers Limited
49411Efimyuk Dmitriy Sergeevich
49418Netshield Ltd
49426LInTeCS ltd (Laboratory of Information Technologies and Computer Systems)
49439Link Ltd
49444Private Limited Company Lutacom
49450Federal State Budget Institution National Medical Research Center for Obstetrics Gynecology and Perinatology Named After Academician V. I. Kulakov of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation
49452A1 Systems Ltd.
49458JSC Intellin
49469LLC MELT-Internet
49476JSC Multiregional Transittelecom Ltd.
49481Ultracom CJSC
49483SKAT-Media Ltd.
49502Art Invest Ltd
49505OOO Network of Data-Centers Selectel
49506GumsNet Ltd
49510TCV Ltd
49511The State Enterprise Donetsk Railway
49513SE Savochkin Denis Yurievich
49516IP Ovchinnikov Vasiliy Fedorovich
49521Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Ural State Law University Named After V.F. Yakovlev
49529Duplex tel LLC
49530Kompleks-S OOO
49531NetCom-R LLC
49533Joint Stock Company Rosseti Tyumen
49542ArtPlanet LLC B.V
49545StroyTelecom-Yug Ltd
49551Teleseti Ltd
49554P.P.Shirshov Institute of Oceanology RAS
49557BuildNet Ltd
49558IT-Yaroslavl Ltd.
49568LLC Convex-Kamensk
49569Zaymer PJSC
49577PE Romankov Dmitry Vladimirovich
49578Fregat Ltd.
49581Ferdinand Zink Trading As Tube-Hosting
49583KOM LAN Ltd
49587JSA Group LLC
49617Nikita Sergienko
49637PJSC Surgutneftegas
49641OOO Alfacom
49644Qiwi JSC
49648I-P Service LLC
49668LLC Aspect
49673TrueNetwork LLC
49675JSC SKB Kontur Production
49679Megamarket Ltd
49684LLC OSK
49693Best-Hoster Group Co. Ltd.
49698National Training Foundation
49701RIA Link Ltd
49702Svyaz Telecom OOO
49712JSC TBM
49718Nizhnevolzhskie Telecommunication Networks Real LLC
49722SP Line Ltd
49723Limited Company Signal Ltd
49724CJSC Vainah Telecom
49729Open Joint Stock Company Commercial Bank Modulbank
49730Auxo IT Services LLC
49732Joint Stock Company Tyvasviazinform
49736Loctelecom JSC
49742LLC IWT
49749VostokMediaSvyaz Ltd.
49755LLC SvyazTelecom
49757Igor Uspenskyy
49759SerDi TeleCom Ltd
49764Skstroi LLC
49776Gorset LLC
49777ATEXS PLUS Ltd.
49778Galchenko Anna Viktorovna
49779Joint-Stock Company Investpribor
49782Programniy Region AO
49797LLC VK
49799Public Joint-stock company Prio-Vneshtorgbank Ltd
49813Innova Co S.A.R.L.
49814TomGate LLC
49821Electrica LLC
49825Lantek LLC
49828LLC Darnet
49830Reset LLC
49834Best Hosting Company LLC
49841JSC Expobank
49842Commercial Manufacturing Enterprise Agrostroy Ltd.
49845PJSC Forward Energy
49848Firm Svyaz Ltd
49854Starlink Country LLC
49860Internet96 LLC
49863Lite-Telecom Limited
49874JSC ER-Telecom Holding
49878OOO DagNet
49880New Technology Ltd
49886Rosgosstrakh Insurance Company ( Public Joint Stock Company )
49891Joint-Stock Company Gallery Chizhov
49892Teta Telecom LLC
49893Bitrace Telecom Ltd.
49897Alians Telecom Ltd.
49905Joint Stock Company Primekartonpak
49913Gazprom Insurance Ltd
49916Toyota Motor Ltd
49925LLC South Networks
49929Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education National Research Technological University Misis
49932State Autonomous Institution of Khakass Republic Center of Informatization and New Technologies of Khakass Republic
49939JSICB Eniseisk United Bank
49943IT Resheniya LLC
49951DFW LLC
49954Progress Technology LLC
49955OJSC Concern Kalina
49963Regional TeleSystem Ltd
49966PJSC T Plus
49977Company Tomich Ltd
49980Mihail Juriwitsch Novikov
49981WorldStream B.V.
49987Stroy Park - R Ltd
49994RIC-Info Ltd
49996Vyacheslav Yuryevich Anisimov
50001Joint Stock Company Commercial Bank Lanta-Bank
50002PJSC Renaissance Insurance Group
50003Joint Stock Company Institutional Telephone Center
50009Quartz Telecom LLC
50015Aleksandr Butenko
50022Kristelecom Ltd.
50024Komatsu Botl Finance Cis LLC
50029Telecom Ltd.
50037Server Ltd
50038Joint Stock Company Sirena-Travel
50040Ano TV Novosti
50044Telekor Company Ltd
50045PJSC Montazh
50048Andrey Chuenkov PE
50051ZAO Danaflex
50052Toranet Ltd
50053Individual Entrepreneur Anton Levin
50060Annet Ltd.
50082JSC Eureca
50089Kavkaz Online LLC
50092DRLINE Ltd.
50105OOO Sestroretskoe Cable Television
50106Polunin Eduard Evgenyevich
50113NTX Technologies S.R.O.
50122Berg Holding LLC
50126OOO Teleservis
50140CrimeaCom South LLC
50141Joint-Stock Company Bank Sinara
50147Posazhennikov Vladimir Vasilevich
50157Foundation for Development of Networking Technologies Indata
50158Connect LLC
50159Next Limited
50164PJSC Tatneft
50166RTCloud LLC
50169LLC Inventos
50174Intexcom OOO
50182Proxima Ltd
50197All-Russian Political Party United Russia
50204PE Bondar TN
50214Qwarta LLC
50218OOO Rigla
50222Federal Government Cultural Organization State Academic Mariinsky Theatre
50227LLC Orbita Plus Gagarin
50228Anextel LLC
50230M-Style Ltd
50238Grand LLC
50241UnitTelecom Ltd
50245Serverel Inc.
50248Vladivostok International Airport JSC
50254Sky Engineering LLC
50257JV A-Mobile Ltd.
50260OOO Svyaz Alians
50265Invest Mobile LLC
50276Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Russian University of Chemical Technology Named After D.I. Mendeleev
50279Derzhava JSCB
50282Gosudarstvennoe Kazennoe Uchrezhdenie Novosibirskoj Oblasti Regional'NYJ Informatsionnyj Tsentr
50283Buisiness Kvartal Nov Ltd.
50284Goroshko Evgeniy Andreevich
50289Limited Liability Company WELLCOM-L
50299Thyphone Communications LLC
50306Poluhin V.A. Pe
50308Mosnet LLC
50313Teslatel LLC
50317OOO Adopt Plus
50339Joint-Stock Company National System of Payment Cards
50340OOO Network of Data-Centers Selectel
50341Alta-Soft Ltd
50342PJSC Kamaz
50353Mastersoft Ltd
50356Camelot Partner Ltd
50367OOO Benet
50374Siberian Internet Company LLC
50383Programniy Region AO
50396LLC Format-center
50400Sibsfera Ltd.
50403JSC Nordstar Airlines
50409GK Osnova JSC
50416Public Joint Stock Company TranscapitalBank
50418Fartel Ltd
50425LLC Media-1 Management
50427Orion Telecom LLC
50433State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Tomsk State Pedagogical University
50435A&K Limited Liability Company
50439City Telephone Network Ltd.
50442Nemerov Evgeniy Vladimirovish Pe
50443Siberian Internet Company LLC
50448System Service Ltd.
50449Limited Liability Company Kvant
50451Department of informatisation and development of Telecommunication Technologies of the Novosibirsk Region
50452Bank Accept JSC
50464Credit Bank of Moscow PJSC
50465IQHost Ltd
50466Noutek Ltd
50471Limited Liability Company Sviaz Industriya
50473Altagen JSC
50477Svyaz-Energo Ltd.
50483State Educational Insitution of Higher Professional Education Kazan State Technical University of A. N. Tupolev
50488LLC Utelcom
50498JSC ER-Telecom Holding
50502Kamchatka Branch Geophysical Service Russian Academy of Science
50509Transroute Telecom Ltd
50512JSC ER-Telecom Holding
50513OOO WestCall Ltd.
50516MaxiPlace Ltd.
50523LLC NPP Itelma
50529FreeNet L.L.C-FZ
50532LLC Ska
50536JSC Sigma-KTV
50538OOO Petrosvyaz
50539Telematica Ltd.
50542JSC ER-Telecom Holding
50543JSC ER-Telecom Holding
50544JSC ER-Telecom Holding
50545OOO 1C-Softclub
50553OOO Stalnet
50556OOO Kiss
50567OOO Sibenergotelecom
50568Communications Informatics Ltd.
50571FGBU Presidential Library named after NB Yeltsin
50577Intelsc Ltd.
50586Cmrbank (LLC)
50587LLC M Advice
50596Informatsionnye Tekhnologii LLC
50600I-NET Ltd.
50608Stis Engineering LLC
50612SkyNet LLC
50615LLC Aikom
50619Visium LLC
50630Advanced Industries Packaging A/S
50636RTP LLC
50639Arctic Region Svyaz JSC
50640JSC AB Rossiya
50644Topcon Positioning Systems LLC
50645Teledinamika LLC
50652LLC New Service Company
50663Comercial Neyva Bank Ltd
50668Dialog-K LLC
50671First Digital TV Ltd
50672Formula Svyazi LLC
50674JSC Stock Exchange Saint Petersburg
50676Telcom LLC
50677SuperOx CJSC
50687Safetel LTD
50688MediaNet Ltd.
50690E-Com LLC
50691Siberian Internet Company LLC
50701Komatsu CIS LLC
50703Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Federal Research Center Geophysical Survey of the Russian Academy of Sciences
50707Autonomous Non-profit Organisation Energy Safety Analysis Center of IBRAE RAN
50712Kavkaz Internet Service Ltd.
50713LLC Forward Telecom LTD Ltd
50717OOO Fortis
50725PJSC Rosseti Siberia
50727LTD Firma Tivicom Ltd
50732PE Shaymardanov Konstantin Ramilevich
50736Promservice Ltd.
50738Huize Telecom Limited
50739OOO Suntel
50741Aris Kart SPB Ltd
50750TK Center Ltd
50752Satis Svyaz JSC
50753Siberian Internet Company LLC
50760Mozhaisk Computer Networks Ltd.
50761LUX-TV Ltd.
50762JSC RDTEX Razumnye Delovye Tehnologii
50766Roman Eduardovich Zamkov
50771Gigalink Ltd.
50775OOO 24 Chasa TV
50776Joint Stock Company System Telecom
50780EAST-NET Ltd
50787PJSC Krasnoyarskenergosbit
50789Amatek Ltd
50793BrokerCreditService Ltd.
50797Hot-Host LLC
50802Bogorodskoe Information Systems Ltd
50804Bestline Ltd
50806LCom LLC
50809Centr Mezhdugorodnoy Svyazi LLC
50820Joint Stock Company Open Financial Marketplace
50822LLC Ostankino Telecom
50832JSC Publishing House Rossiyskaya Gazeta
50846Ava-LAN Ltd.
50850Altes-R Ltd
50852INTERRA Ltd.
50853Ao Smp Bank
50854Electrosvyaz Ltd.
50859TatAisEnergo LLC
50860Tomsk City Administration
50863Southern Shipbuilding and ship repair center JSC
50867Hostkey B.V.
50870Teleincom - Service Ltd
50878BrokerCreditService Ltd.
50911LLC Electron-Telecom
50916Citylink Ltd
50918PJSC Rosseti
50923Metroset Ltd.
50928PJSC MegaFon
50942TK Zenit LLC
50946Telecommunication Company 'Motel' Ltd.
50947Global Networks Telecom LLC
50949Agronet LLC
50951LLC Railgo
50955Individual Entrepreneur Iugov Denis Sergeevich
50958OOO W-Internet
50966LLC Intercom Technology
50968Hostmaster Ltd.
50969Deeplay LLC
51004Sakhalin Cable Telesystems Ltd
51009LLC Company NICOS
51011P-T-K Ltd
51012LLC Uralpromservice
51015IP Andreev Boris Vladimirovich
51017Stolica LLC
51027JSC Tatmedia
51028Zummer LLC
51032LLC Powernet
51034JSC ER-Telecom Holding
51035JSC ER-Telecom Holding
51037Infoservice Ltd.
51039Fsue RFNC - Vniitf Named After Academ. E.I. Zababakhin
51041Lanamar Ltd.
51042Klimovsk Network Ltd
51051Administration Department of the Government of Saratov Region
51054OOO TransKom
51067Sibinfosoft LLC
51070TOKS Ltd
51071SibTeleCom Ltd.
51076Chelombitko Elena Evgenevna
51077Modern Technologies Ltd.
51081LLC Tetron
51084Idea Ltd.
51086Scientific and Production Association Scat Ltd.
51092TVIP Media LLC
51093VMCity LLC
51112OSS Ltd
51115HLL LLC
51117Danaflex Nano Ltd.
51125Limited Liability Company Svod International
51133Mediagrand Ltd.
51136Home Credit & Finance Bank Limited Liability Company
51138JSC Esteit Invest
51147Ltd. Delta-Telecom
51153Informational Communications LLC
51156OngNet Plus LLC
51158Mobile Trend Ltd
51165JSC Segezha Pulp and Paper Mill
51178JSC Avantel
51181State Educational Institution For Higher Professional Education Siberian State Aerospace University named after M.F.Reshetnev
51183Aktiv Computers Ltd.
51186ITAR-TASS State Enterprise
51190Piranya JSC
51193OOO Inbank
51199Technotek LLC
51200LLC Digital Dialogue-Nets
51213JSC Scientific and Production Company Katren
51218Zvuk LLC
51219Closed Joint Stock Company Croc Incorporated
51226Com-On OOO
51229UpSystems Ltd
51230Cifrabar Telekom LLC
51234Telecompany Fialka Ltd.
51238Siberian Internet Company LLC
51245Center of Information Technologies Ltd.
51255Martiushev Timofei Viktorovich
51256JSC Special Economic Zone of Technology-Innovative Type Tomsk
51271Sky Dynamics Ltd.
51285JSK IT Information Technologies
51288Web3Tel MSK OOO
51289SkyDNS Ltd
51291Istok Ltd.
51292OOO United Press
51293OceanTelecom LLC.
51309Joint Stock Company Interfax
51316MBU Elektronnyj Ekaterinburg
51334PJSC Corporation VSMPO-AVISMA
51339'Arktika Group' Ltd
51341Gigakom Sistems OOO
51343Telecom Service LLC
51348Administration of Orenburg City
51351Classwire Limited
51352State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education 'Vladimir State University'
51360Credit Europe Bank JSC
51369LLC TRC Fiord
51372Orange Ltd.
51376AO Mobi.Dengi
51384Company Gendalf LLC
51389Spa Galileosky LLC
51397OJSC Petrol Stock Company Bashneft
51410Fastnet LLC
51416Eniseynet Ltd.
51418Russian National Commercial Bank (PAO)
51419Internet Business Technologies Ltd.
51428IRONNET Ltd.
51437FSUE GlavNIVZ
51442Stream Telecom Ltd.
51444IT Lite LLC
51446Argaev Artem Sergeyevich
51448Uralskie Kabelnye Seti Ltd.
51456LLC Kapital-Svyaz Ltd.
51470Velpharm LLC
51471JSC Rust Russia
51472ZAO Argumenty I Fakty
51477Teleradiokompaniya Kandalaksha LLC
51478OBIT Ltd.
51488Garant-Teleseti LLC
51494Elma LLC
51506Svyaz-Servis Ltd.
51507Ltd Intellect Net
51511LLC Teleradio Company Traide-Express
51515Vega-Service LLC
51520Realhost Ltd.
51522Online LLC
51523Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution Gymnasium Perspektiva of the City District of Samara
51525Informacionnuye Technologiyi Ltd
51532Tevia Ltd.
51538Lavrentyev Alkesandr Arkadievich
51547LLC Telekonika
51552Gorinfoset Ltd.
51562Federal Medical Research Center of Almazova
51570JSC ER-Telecom Holding
51578Limited Liabillity Company 'IT-VEGA'
51579Korporatvniy Partner Ltd
51583Ray-Svyaz Ltd.
51592OOO Svift Telecom
51593Quasar Limited Liability Company
51596Rusteko Ltd.
51599NNK-Primornefteproduct JSC
51600Joint Stock Commercial Bank Enisey (Public JSC)
51604JSC ER-Telecom Holding
51612Alfatel Plus Ltd
51613TC Komus Ltd.
51623Gin Agency Ltd.
5162421 Century Telecom Ltd
51628Aleksey Ershov
51633Novatek-Chelyabinsk LLC
51635Sue of RM SPC of Informatization and New Technologies
51639Closed Joint-Stock Company Commercial Bank FIA-BANK
51641VSK Insurance Joint Stock Company
51642LLC Bureau Credit History Creditinfo
51645JSC ER-Telecom Holding
51655Ilim Telecom Ltd.
51659LLC Baxet
51663Administration of Solikamsk city
51665TeleDiscount AO
51666OOO WestCall Ltd.
51667Renaissance Construction JSC
51669Home Computer Networks ltd.
51680Soyuz Svyatogo Ioanna Voina LLC
51685Mikron-Media LLC
51686Silver LLC
51690Applied Technologies Ltd.
51698ActiveHost RU LLC
51700CTM Ltd
51705Moskovia Telecom OOO
51715AO Polymetal UK
51716Public Joint-Stock Company Moscow River Shipping
51721UniCredit Bank JSC
51723TKB Investment Partners (JSC)
51724Flynet Ltd
51725Private Enterprise Tron Vitaliy Vladimirovich
51730OOO IT-Tcentr
51740NetPoint Ltd.
51748OJSC Insurance Company of Gaz Industry Sogaz
51764JSC Amtel-Svyaz
51765Oy Crea Nova Hosting Solution Ltd
51771Public Joint-Stock Company MTS Bank
51780Fgbu Vniikr
51781Gazprom Megregiongaz Ivanovo LLC
51783The Center of Dedicated Servers LLC
51789TimeWeb Ltd.
51804Nizhny Novgorod City Administration
51811Commercial Bank LOCKO-Bank JSC
51812KTVS Ltd.
51813Joint Stock Company TransTeleCom
51819JSC ER-Telecom Holding
51831The State Tretyakov Gallery
51836Pioner-LAN Ltd.
51838Krasnoyarsklespromproekt OJSC
51842I-Net LLC
51860Joint Stock Company The Exhibition of Achievements of National Economy - JSC VDNH
51869Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education Northwest State Medical University Named After II Mechnikov of the Russian Federation Ministry of Health
51880Teletext-Plus Ltd.
51882Government of Kurgan area
51883Pumori-Telecom Ltd
51884Tera Telecom Ltd
51891GSP Ltd.
51892OOO VTC-Mobile
51893Prof-comm Ltd
51904Utex-Telecom LLC
51912Department of Digital Development and Communications of the Jewish Autonomous Region
51916Reconn LLC
51919Nikolai Lytkin
51921OOO Integral telesystems
51932FGUP Goskorporatsiya po OrVD
51952Kvant LLC
51957ZAO Aquafon-GSM
51964Orange Business Services U.S. Inc.
51971Skolkovo Managment LLC
51973Koltushsky Internet Ltd
51977Fgbu Rosgeolfond
51981PJSC Finstar Bank
51991Tele-Mag Ltd.
51994Group of Companies Rusagro' Limited Liability Company
51998Public Office of Municipality Gorod Arkhangelsk Hozyaistvennaya Sluzhba
52000Mirhosting B.V.
52002Platforma Soft Ltd.
52006CJSC Moscow Brewing Company
52007LLC AdRiver
52008NesterTelecom LLC
52010Stavropol Communications LLC
52015Dancer LLC
52016JSC AdFact
52022Klimenko Anna Aleksandrovna
52028Efecs Systems LLC
52040LLC MediaKvant
52043LLC Multiservice
52047OOO MVM
52052Broadcasting Company KTV Plus LLC
52060MaximaTelecom North-West LLC
52062Organisation Federal centre of informatization Central Election Commitee of Russian Federation
52069Public Joint Stock Company Commercial Port of Vladivostok
52085OOO SKB
52086Osnova Data Net LLC
52090LLC United Confectioners
52091Level-MSK Ltd.
52094Bitbytenet LLC
52096Atomredmetzoloto JSC
52108Municipal Educational Establishment for Additional Professional Education of Specialists - Information Technology Center
52118GU YaO Yaroslavl Centre for Telecommunications and Information Technologies in Education
52131City.Net Ltd.
52141Delrus Ltd.
52156LLC Kinef
52163Optima Communications LLC
52166Rusagro-Primorie LLC
52168Sergey Cherentayev
52175Magellan Telecom Kuzbass Ltd.
52184Main Center of Information and Computing Ministry of Culture of Russian Federation
52193Eurocontact Veliky Novgorod LLC
52194IT Ltd
52197Oblastnoe Gosudarstvennoe Uchrejdenie Centr Gosudarstvennyh Informacionnyh Resursov Orlovskoy Oblasti
52201OOO Suntel
52205PE Safronov Anton Sergeevich
52207JSC ER-Telecom Holding
52208Engineering-Technical Center-Communication LLC
52213LLC Donetsk Fiber-Optical Network
52217OOO Iskra
52218Cherkasov Yuriy Sergiyovuch
52222LTD Magnit-TV
54339NB Networks Group LLC
54994Meteverse Limited. Ltd.
56330JSC ER-Telecom Holding
56331InfoLink LTD
56336JSC Nii Vektor
56340Grand Ltd
56342LLC IT-Group
56351Forais LLC
56358Balttelecomport Ltd.
56361OrgTechService Ltd
56364Garant-Park-Internet LLC
56374Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education M.I.Platov South-Russian State Polytechnic University (NPI)
56377JSC ER-Telecom Holding
56383NordSky LLC
56384JSC Avantel
56387PiP Ltd.
56390TFOMS Kemerovskoy oblasti - Kuzbassa
56392Adygei Telephone Company JSC
56394OOO IT-Systems
56398Your Payments NCO LLC
56405Ilya Borisovich Rakcheev PE
56407Zhigulevsk Cable Network LLC
56409IT Ltd.
56418Operationrange Ltd
56420JSC ER-Telecom Holding
56425LLC HandySolutions
56426Volna-Servis LLC
56436Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications of Chelyabinsk Region
56440Adidas AG
56442Alnair Mineral Services DMCC
56445JSC Tomsknefteproduct VNK
56451Telekey-S Ltd
56462Destiny.Games LLC
56476City-Line Ltd.
56477OOO WestCall Ltd.
56480Power International-tyres Ltd.
56483Aktiv-soft JSC
56487Sotrudnik Ltd
56493Dream Line OOO
56506Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Samara Region
56516Bezopasnyi Gorod LLC
56528Big MMO Game Network Limited
56529RuaD-Group LLC
56533Netcracker Technology EMEA Limited
56534Comfortel Ltd.
56535Alpari Ltd.
56536Business Platform Ltd.
56537JSC Centr Programm Loyalnosti
56541Kometa LLC
56542Park Telecom Ltd
56557Department of Digital Development of the Voronezh Region
56562Telecom Plus Company Ltd.
56564Webmaster Agency Ltd
56565Operator-CRPT LLC
56574A2 Ltd
56577Relink Ltd
56578Alcom Ltd.
56580Cybercom Ltd.
56581GBU Centre of Information Technologies of Amur Region
56592Telewest Inet Ltd.
56603Tentorium LLC
56613GBU Po Cis Po
56618Arctic Net Ltd.
56619Safety Integrated Systems Ltd
56621Innovation Technologies Ltd
56627ITH Ltd.
56630Melbikomas UAB
56631Onlanta Ltd.
56634Fly-Tech Ltd.
56663Partner Yug LLC
56664Sigma-Net Ltd.
56666JSC Scientific and Technical Center Atlas
56667Intercom LLC
56669LLC Gazpromneft ITO
56671Medis LLC
56674Mebelnaya Fabrika Mariya Ltd.
56676OOO Modern Communication Systems
56677Tele-Club Ltd.
56678LLC Gydrozo
56679Voin Telecom LLC
56686Unirest LLC
56689Elitel Telecom Group Ltd
56690VNET LLC Ltd.
56692KBER Bank Kazani Limited Liability Company
56694LLC Smart Ape
56699GUP NAO Neneckaya Kompaniya Electrosvyazi
56701LLC Avanta Telecom
56702Chitatehenergy JSC
56705MegaIntelSystems Ltd.
56707OOO Netcom
56720Fortuna Ltd
56721Legion-Telecom Ltd
56724Teleskan-Intercom Ltd
56725JSC Goznak
56741JSC Gloria-Jeans
56760Autonomous State Organization or The Komi Republic Centre of Informational Technologies
56763Infotell UK OOO
56766Bahilov Ilya Vitalievich PE
56776DialogSiberia-Barnaul Ltd
56777Joint Stock Company Science Research Institute for Precise Instruments
56779OOO Ujk Druzhba
56785JSC GK Berlin
56791CityTelekom Ltd.
56793JSC Commercial Bank Evrofinance Mosnarbank
56794New Transport Company Ltd.
56806JSC Computing Forces
56807OOO UKS
56810Airport Tolmachevo JSC
56814M2 Connect LLC
56820OOO Evraz
56829Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting Limited Liability Company
56836Zapadno-Sibirskaya Servisnaya Kompaniya LTD.
56842Big Data Platform LLC
56845V-Lazer Ltd.
56846JSC National satellite company
56853Municipal Educational Institution The Centre of Information Technologies
56854LLC Yemelyanovo Airport
56857DK Svyaz OOO
56862Dynamic Network Technolodgies LLC.
56864Xeon LLC
56866Vostochnaya Stevedoring Company Ltd.
56874Electrosvyazstroy OOO
56875Sprint Ltd
56877Sfera JSC
56879JSC Pokrovskiy Rudnik
56880Tecom Ltd.
56881Joint Stock Company Scientific and Technical Center Atlas
56886OOO Red Star
56888Krasnogorsky networks Ltd.
56893108 Telecom LLC
56895Svyaztelecom Ltd.
56903Intech Global LLC
56915Malina LLC
56917DalTech Ltd
56923Virtualfort OOO
56928Biznesfon LLC
56930Clarus-Telecom Ltd.
56931Eurasia Peering LLC
56934Zhemoedov Sergey Mihaylovich
56935Clinic of Aesthetic Medicine CJSC
56936Mbit City Ltd.
56939Credo-S Ltd.
56947LLC Cifrovie Seti Urala
56952Logic of Business LLC
56954Optima Communications LLC
56957Aleksei Volyntsev
56959Irkutsk Billing Centre Ltd
56975Metrex Engineering LTD
56977Stilar Ltd
56981JSC ER-Telecom Holding
56982PJSC EL5-Energo
56985Rustel LLC
56991JSC Planetarium
56996JSC Rosnefteflot
57003PortalTeleNet LLC
57006Haulmont Samara Ltd.
57010IT House Ltd
57011Information- Analytical Agency If Ltd
57018In-line Telekom LLC
57019Export Telecom LLC
57026JSC ER-Telecom Holding
57036JSC Avilon AG
57038LLC Amurtelekom
57043Hostkey B.V.
57044JSC ER-Telecom Holding
57045Panin Kirill Evgenyevich
57046Resource Information Center of the Udmurt Republic
57047AO ABI Product
57064Sfinks Ltd
57073LLC Wildberries
57078Limited Liability Company Rapporto
57091LLC Interion
57093Yalta-TV KOM Ltd.
57104Houdyshell Holding Limited
57107Federal State Unitary Enterprise Russian Satellite Communication Company
57108Atlanta LLC
57109Pro-Revizor LLC.
57113TVIPTel LCC
57120TMK Ltd
57123OOO Garant
57128JSC Ufanet
57139Sybest LCC
57145Federal Compulsory Health Insurance Fund
57149LLC Internet-Technology
57153TeleSystem LLC.
57160FOP Golovin Vadim Victorovich
57164Viacheslav Fitiunin
57169EDIS GmbH
57174Nets and Services JCS
57181OOO RTK
57182Direct Trade LLC
57186LLC RossTel
57191LLC IT Business
57209F-Kom LLC
57211Costcom LLC
57212Mercury LLC
57214Vidikon-K CJSC
57215JSC SD Mosstroisnab
57227Subnet LLC
57233Kompanon LLC.
57244OOO SP Millenium-Apsny
57246WellTelecom LLC
57250Ru.Net Ltd.
57251LLC Intelcom
57261YarTV Ltd.
57268Fgyp Zachitainfotrans
57271Bitweb LLC
57272Orion SKT LLC
57274JSC Petersburg Social Commercial Bank
57281RTT Ltd.
57290DK Svyaz OOO
57296MultiCarta Ltd
57303VektorTech Ltd.
57304JSC Retnnet
57306Rambler Internet Holding LLC
57309LTD Online
57312E.Soft Ltd.
57314Invest Mobile LLC
57319JSC Tander
57323CJSC Kubanoptprodtorg
57333KaspiyTelekom Ltd.
57334SPB State Unitary Enterprise ATS Smolnogo
57339TAN Ltd.
57352Federal State Unitary Enterprise Rossiya Segodnya International Information Agency
57354SYSTEMA Ltd
57363CDNVideo LLC
57364JSC Kombinat KMAruda
57368Limited Liability Company Sstinvest
57371Mass-Net LLC
57372OOO Comtelco
57375Villanet LLC
57378JSC ER-Telecom Holding
57380Telenet LLC
57383FLP Sidorenko Aleksandr Aleksandrovich
57393Viva LLC
57396Aliev Magomed Kadievich
57410Zao Mordovsky Bekon
57411Novotehniks LLC
57418VIP-Telecom LLC
57420LLC Foratelecom
57421Gorset Ltd.
57424Limited liability company New Line
57425The Chelyabinsk Regional Fund of Obligatory Medical insurance
57427Sierra LLC
57434Kompyuternaya Firma Bagira Ltd.
57438Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Krasnoyarsk State Medical University Named After Professor V.F. Voino-Yasenetsky of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
57449LTD Arentel
57451SITILAYN Ltd.
57452Summit Systems Ltd.
57455Filanco Ukraine Ltd.
57460PE Scherban Evgeniy Aleksandrovich
57471Orbita Plus Vyazma Ltd.
57482OJSC SMP Bank
57487Advanced Solutions LLC
57489LLC Telecom-Uslugi
57490Satellite Telecom Ltd.
57494Adman LLC
57501JSC Uneco
57503OOO Taxtelecom
57510JSC Transstroibank
57512OOO Sportmaster
57523Chang Way Technologies Co. Limited
57526LLC Uralskie Seti
57528Ekassir-Banking Systems LLC
57529Zao GTNT
57530GPM RadioLLC
57531RegionInfocom Ltd.
57534PE Ahmedov Alil Aliomarovich
57541Inter LLC
57549SKS LLC
57552Onrela LLC
57553Tendence LLC
57557JSC VCKP Zhilishchnoe Hozyajstvo
57561Sojuzpatent LLC
57562Puls-KT LLC.
57571Mozhaysky Telecommunication Networks LLC
57572Lesta Ltd.
57573JSC Greenatom
57578Misaka Network Inc.
57579Joint-Stock Company KPK Stavropolstroyoptorg
57580Federal State Budgetary Institution Research Center for Information of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation
57583IP Shefer Vitaliy Vyacheslavovich
57586Tourlink Organization LLP
57587Integrated Communication Networks LLC
57589Equipment Support Ltd.
57596ITH Ltd.
57609Lubyatovo LLC
57614Individual Entrepreneur Syomka Dmitry Igorevich
57615Rusinvesttelecom Ltd
57620JSC Avantel
57627Ilbit Telecom Ltd.
57628ZAO Center of Financial Technologies
57631Smart Telecom Limited
57636Olborg Ltd
57645OOO Licard
57652OOO ZelTelecom
57655I-T-C LLC
57658Joint Stock Company Autoassistance
57661Deil Ltd.
57663Torgovyi Dom Mashinostroitelnye Zavody LLC
57671JSC Oil Processing Company
57678Cat Technologies Co. Limited
57679TRK Tonus LLC
57680Joint Stock Company Football Club Lokomotiv
57681PJSC Moscow City Telephone Network
57683Closed Joint Stock Company Monitor Electric
57700DeepCo Ltd
57708OJSC Chepetsky Mechanical Plant
57711NetLine Ltd.
57724DDoS-Guard Ltd
57725Individual entrepreneur Noroshkin Vladimir Aleksandrovich
57730MegaCom-IT Ltd.
57737Joint Stock Company Angarsk Electrolysis Chemical Complex
57741Uzel Svyazy Ltd
57742TVT LLC
57749Euromedia LLC
57753Radist Ltd
57754Automation and Relationship-Service LLC
57781LLC Yarteleservice
57783Expert IT LLC
57785SMLT Bank LLC
57798IT-Net Ltd.
57803TeleServis Ltd
57805OOO Nutep
57806JSC Commerical Bank Ural Financial House
57812PE Yakovlev Stanislav Stanislavovich
57818SKTV Ltd.
57820City-Stream Plus Ltd.
57822TrueNetwork LLC
57824Metronet Ltd
57828National Recovery Service Ltd.
57835JSC Elektrosvyaz
57842UralKonnektServis LLC
57843GK Interlogica LLC
57844SPDNet Telekomunikasyon Hizmetleri Bilgi Teknolojileri Taahhut Sanayi Ve Ticaret A.S.
57847CHAIKOF Ltd.
57856Nekommercheskiy Fond razvitiya Liceya N1 g. Petrozavodska
57857LLC Winner
57861Lime HD LLC
57867Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education G.V. Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
57871TeleCentr Ltd.
57874Eurocable Ltd
57876Uaz Ltd
57882InnoTelecom Ltd.
57884Joint Stock Company Sochi International Airport
57885Oikumena JSC
57898DNS Retail Ltd.
57899Nikita Sergienko
57901Pautina Ltd.
57906Kupishoes LLC
57917Midict Ltd
57918Acod JSC
57923Dymovskoe sausage production Ltd.
57930Gazprom Insurance Ltd
57940Sviaz-Stroy LLC
57941Sviaz-Stroy LLC
57947Business IT Ltd.
57953JSC Grid Company
57971Mediasvyaz Ltd.
57973LLC VK
57982Amik LLC
57988Foton Company Ltd
57990PE Aliev Murad Ahmedovich
57996Joint Stock Company Rosgeologia
58002JSC Svyazinform
58006LTD Technet
58008Ao Trade House Russky Holod
58009Consyst LLC
58019A.P.R. Limited Liability Company
58020Tersys Company LLC
58024Isaev Kamil Magomedovich
58027PE Korobeynikov Sergey Nikolaevich
58036LLC Sky Line LLC
58042State Educational Institution of Higher Vocational Education The Bonch-Bruevich Saint-Petersburg State University of Telecommunications
58045Sportivnye Novosti LLC
58048Bezheckaya Internet Company Ltd.
58050Azimut-Telecom LLC
58060System Solutions Ltd.
58061Scalaxy B.V.
58063Voronezh State Technical University
58065Orion Network Limited
58067Chitatehenergy JSC
58071Peoples Friendship University of Russia
58072Zenon-Region Ltd.
58084Newcontact Ltd.
58090JSC Dimitrovgrad Automobile Units Plant
58091Company BIO Ltd.
58094Vnukovo International Airport JSC
58095LLC LAN-Link
58096Viter Evgeniy Vasilevich
58097OOO Taxcom
58100Public Joint-Stock Company MTS Bank
58103National Sports Channel LLC
58107OJSC Mrsk Urala
58108United Shipbuilding Corporation JSC
58116Mamba JSC
58134JSC Elektrosvyaz
58135AO Kaluga Astral
58136OOO RGTS Parus
58147Bell Integrator JSC
58155Web Depo Ltd
58157JSC ER-Telecom Holding
58158KTV Ltd.
58163JSC Eksar
58178Grand Auto Ltd.
58187IRCN Ltd
58190Network Laboratory Ltd
58191OOO DevelopOnBox
58194LLC Avtokonneks
58207JSC Polyus Krasnoyarsk
58210Skynet Ltd.
58217BelKomStroy Ltd.
58219Ekus LLC
58225Technology of Assistance Ltd
58228LLC IT Telecom
58229OOO Equifax Credit Services
58230Intelcom Ltd
58231Joint-Stock Commercial Bank Chelindbank
58236Gbu MFC
58238MKS Telecom LLC
58240NPO Diagnosticheskie Sistemyi Ltd.
58241Marksovskye Kabelnye Seti Ltd.
58255Institute for Nuclear Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences
58257Agrocom Group LLC
58258Fgau Ok Rublevo-Uspenskiy
58268KB Novyi Vek (OOO)
58271Tyatkova Oksana Valerievna
58272LeaderTelecom B.V.
58278Assist 24 Ltd.
58279Federal State Budgetary Institution All Russia Research Geological Petroleum Institute (Fgbu Vnigni)
58284OOO RTS Telecom
58285Atri Ltd.
58288Optovaya Textile Company Ltd.
58290LLC Trans Media
58292Technology Cloud Ltd.
58301Keysystems Ltd
58304NPF KTS Ltd.
58306PE Krylov Dmitriy Viktorovich
58310Teleport LLC
58314Svyazresurs-Kuban LLC
58319Kazakov Aleksey Dmitrievich
58341Cifra Bank LLC
58347AIK LLC
58351Ie Dudin Dmitriy Viktorovich
59253Leaseweb Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd.
59392Ie Dikhtyaryuk Dmitriy Yurevich
59399FAI Russian Maritime Register of Shipping
59404Korkino-Cable Television Networks Ltd
59412JSC Wuerth Russia
59416Limited Liability Company Production Company Novocherkassk Electric Locomotive Works
59418New technologies XXI century LLC
59420Medical Information Analityc Center of Kirov Region Public Company
59423Novations and Business in Power Engineering CJSC
59424OOO Has-Telekom
59425Horizon LLC
59428IPNetcom LLC
59434JSC the Auction House of the Russian Federation
59440LightPort Ltd
59446Doctor Web Ltd
59452Customized InformSystems Ltd
59454Consortium Apps Ltd
59459LLC Advanced Transformation Consulting
59465LLC Sciener
59467HLL LLC
59475Electron-Service Ltd.
59476Joint Stock Company TransTeleCom
59478LLC IP Service
59482Allians-Media Ltd
59483PJSC Novorossiysk Commercial Sea Port
59494Enigma Telecom Ltd.
59495Uralskie Lokomotivy Ltd
59496Logotelecom Ltd
59498Teraline Telecom Ltd
59502Sozvezdiye Oriona Ltd.
59504LLC VPSville
59508Krasnoyarsk Network Ltd.
59509LLC Resource-Media
59512Coalco Development Ltd
59513SevenTech LLC
59515Inter.Com Ltd
59516Lanamar Ltd.
59517Multistream Ltd.
59525Siberian Generating Company Limited Liability Company
59530OOO Izdatelstvo Eksmo
59531PE Meshchaninov Nikolay Nikolaevych
59533Lukyanov Evgeniy Vladimirovich PE
59534Navigator Ltd
59535Orange Group HH Ltd.
59537Lider-Telecom LLC
59541Limited Liability Company Technology Corporation
59549IMPULS-TV Ltd.
59557Status Telecom Ltd.
59558RC Prikamya Ltd.
59559Elektronnyj Yugansk Ltd
59561FGBOU VPO Tolyattinskiy Gosudarstvennyiy Universitet
59571Apps Ministry LLC
59574Limited Liability Company SKS Telecom
59584Indikom LLC
59589NovitaTelecom LLC
59591Wirenet LLC
59595Teneta Telekom Ltd.
59596PE Dyatlov Sergey Vladimirovich
59600Atlas Telecom Ltd.
59601Limited Liability Company HeadHunter
59603Regional State Independent Organization the Information and Techonological Center of Kamchatka
59604InfoTeCS JSC
59606AO ETP
59614Uralmicro Ltd
59615SIA Serverum
59616Baikal Teleport CJSC
59624National Research Center Kurchatov Institute
59627Docker Ltd
59633Pesco Energiya I Resursy JSC
59637RamSvyazInvest LLC
59639LLC Lure IT
59640Insurance JSC Reso-Garantia
59641LLC Vnesheconomprod
59656GBU Yaroslavskoy Oblasti Electrony Region
59661LLC Telekom365
59663OOO Kontakt Centr Otkrytaya Liniya
59665Ultra-Telecom LLC
59666Fortex CJSC
59667Audiotele JSC
59672Torgovyi dom detskikh tovarov Ltd.
59679Agenstvo Po Rasprostraneniu Zarubejnih Izdaniy OJSC
59687Metropolitan Telecommunications Company Komtelekom LLC
59688Market Fund Administration Limited Liability Company
59692IQWeb FZ-LLC
59693Intronex Setevye Resheniya Ltd.
59696Municipality of Krasnoyarsk City
59713JSC ER-Telecom Holding
59714Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Kurgan State University
59718Unibrand LLC.
59731Life-Link LLC Ltd.
59738Promyshlennaya Avtomatika Ltd.
59740City Networks Ltd
59792Microfinance Company Bystrodengi LLC
59793Corporate Internet Service Provider LLC
59796StormWall s.r.o.
59801Main Center of Information and Computing Ministry of Culture of Russian Federation
59815Kompeatelecom Ltd.
59823Osipenko Alexander Nikolaevich
59825Infanet Ltd.
59831Megatelekom. Ltd
59833JSC Sevastopol Telekom
59848LLC Lure IT Limited Liability Company
59867Optilink LLC
59883Global Telecom LLC
59906JSC Icc Milandr
59916Forteinvest JSC
59917OTK LLC.
59928OJSC Electrosignal Corp.
59941JSC Ever Green
59946LLC Certification Center Orbita
59957CJSC Billingovyi Center
59960Mega Ltd.
59975Play-Telecom LLC.
60005IT-Service LLC
60006Raduga-Telecom LLC
60028Alatyr Telecom Ltd.
60029TV Mytischi Mau
60040LLC Runet Business Systems
60042OnTelecom LLC
60043JSC ER-Telecom Holding
60048Farmaimpex LLC
60058IT Osoba LLC
600623Data LLC
60065OOO Licard
60067N-Telecom Ltd
60068DataCamp Limited
60072LLC EGS-Telecom
60075Gorodok Ltd.
60085LLC Connect
60095JSC Ufanet
60098CJSC Insit-Invest
60102Sova Capital Limited
60108Fusion Ltd.
60119Novosibirsk Telecommunication Company Ltd.
60122Sberbank of Russia PJSC
60124LLC Amigos
60139Sever Telecom JSC
60151Limited Liability Company 1C-Rarus Integration Projects
60162LLC IMT
60165Dialog Ltd.
60172Yarnet LLC
60177Limited Liability Company Bukmekerskaya Kontora Pari
60192JSC Ufanet
60216Foundation for Assistance for Internet Technologies and Infrastructure Development
60224Telematikanet LLC
60231Travelsoft LLC
60245Sannikov Kirill Vladimirovich
60246Consumer Internet Cooperative PG-19
60252OBIT Ltd.
60290LLC Central Cash Register
60299Mezhdugorodnyaya Mezhdunarodnaya Telefonnaya Stanciya Ltd.
60308Internet Technology Ltd.
60328Service-Communication LLC
60329LLC Safib
60343Joint Stock Company Bank dom.rf
60346Ao Sudokhodnaya Kompaniya Volzhskoye Parokhodstvo
60347Voxys LLC LLC
60360LLC Management Company Industrial and Metallurgical Holding
60361BrokerCreditService Ltd.
60363OOO FB Group
60365Kataryan Fedor Sergeevich
60375LLC Management Company Industrial and Metallurgical Holding
60388Limited Liability Company Transneft Telecom
60434Biznes Tekhnologii LLC
60437Fora-Bank Joint-Stock Commercial Bank
60452EuroSibEnergo-Hydrogeneration LLC
60459OOO Flexline-N
60465National Bank of Republic of Abkhazia
60470LLC Country Online
60473LLC CTI
60476Digital Transformation Plus LLC
60482PJSC Koks
60489OOO Center Informational Technologies
60500Association NPHK Sibir
60510Victory Ltd.
60513Siberian Internet Company LLC
60518Federal State-Financed Institution Federal Center for Animal Health
60519OOO Shishkin Les Holding
60523LLC KARO Film Management
60544LLC Runet Business Systems
60553Rigla-MO LLC
60554LLC Megion-Link
60556LLC Ilimskiy Ltus
60561Monument-A LLC
60569ARD Teleport Ltd.
60573Babaev Vladimir Viktorovich
60575LTD Sibservissvyaz
60579Stanmix Oko Limited Liability Company
60580Artificial Lntelligence Software LLC
60598OOO Upravljajushchaja kompanija Labirint
60599Kompas Telecom Ltd
60603Utel Ltd.
60612Albatros Ltd.
60623Atcom Joint Stock Company
60625Resurstranzit LLC
60628FGBU REA Minenergo Russia
60635Voice Communication LLC
60642OJSC Trade Center Elektronika Na Presny
60643Fgbu Fioko
60651Stek Kazan LLC
60655Integral LLC
60660TotalVideo LLC
60678The Regional Computing Center LLC
60684Managing company Realty of Petersburg Ltd
60693Individual Entrepreneur Konyaev Igor
60702JSC Post Bank
60704Inetro JSC
60716JSC Iskrauraltel
60720Telenet Solution Ltd
60721Bursabil Teknoloji A.S.
60722Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering
60726Joint Stock Company Moscovskiy Oblastnoi Bank
60730JSC Ka-Internet
60731Prostie Tehnologii Ltd.
60732Centr Tekhnicheskogo Obsluzhivania FNPR Ltd.
60735Konstantin Verba
60738OOO PKF Delta Telekom
60740Joint-Stock Company Arctictelecom
60747Modus LLC
60748VSK Insurance Joint Stock Company
60753Gromtsov Alexander Gennadyevich
60764Telecom Samara LLC
607681Forma LLC
60771Comiten Corp LLC
60779LLC Sedrus
60781Leaseweb Netherlands B.V.
60796LLC Customs Card
60797SafeData LLC
60818Scientific-production Association Telemetry LLC
60826JSC TC Center
60827FN Machines LLC
60832O`Key Limited Liability Company
60834Individual Entrepreneur Romanova Svetlana Alexandrovna
60837AO First Container Terminal
60839Vid Media Ltd.
60840OJSC Telecom-Service
60846Nokian Renkaat OYj
60852Computer Service LLC
60854LLC Ederi
60856LLC Zakamskaya Telephone Company
60862GKU CIT Kuzbassa
60863LLC VK
60864LTD Inter RAO - Information Technology
60865Kuban Credit Ltd.
60872KTI Ltd
60873Alliance Communications Ltd
60878RTCloud LLC
60879System Projects LLC
60892JSC Synterra Media
60904ATC Telecom Ltd.
60913JSC TD Era
60915OOO Taxtelecom
60919TopCom Ltd.
60931LAN-Service Ltd.
60936LLC Skynet
60942JSC Concern Kalashnikov
60944OOO CC Alpha Capital
60954ITCSR Ltd
60956Drugstore chain O3 LLC
60957Officemag LLC
60967National system of payment cards Joint-stock Society
60971Electrosvyaz Ltd.
6098045Ka LLC.
60986ZagorodTelecom LLC
60988JSC United Cards Services
61009Tyumbit-ASU OOO
61011Rosseti Northern Caucasus PJSC
61014JSC Kurganmashzavod
61021Sterling Telecom LLC
61031Escomtel Background Communication Networks Ltd.
61035CISCOM Ltd
61039AO ZMZ
61040Peterburgskiy Telefon LLC
61041Federal Budgetary Institution Administration of the Lensky Basin of Inland Waterways
61043Multifunctional Telecommunications Systems LTD
61048Infolink LLC
61052Yamalsetservice LLC.
61068OOO Necstel
61111RTCloud LLC
61118Vikom Ltd.
61121AO Teleradiocompany Odintsovo
61123Ekoniva-Tehnika Ltd.
61140GRINN Corporation JSC
61141OST JSC
61151Asia-Pacific Bank (Joint Stock Company)
61152Freedom House Ltd.
61156OBIT Ltd.
61166Federal Service for Control of Alcohol and Tobacco Markets
61175Stanmix Oko Limited Liability Company
61178Digital Transformation Plus LLC
61187Federal State Budgetary Organisation Federal Institute of Industrial Property
61197Sputnikovaya Kompaniya LLC
61206Joint Stock Company 'Caspian Pipeline Consortium -R'
61223Linkfor LLC
61230Internet Protocol Transit Telecom Ltd.
61237SigmaTV LLC
61249New Line Telecom Ltd.
61259LLC Superwave Group
61261Autocenter City (Center) LLC
61264IT LLC
61265Limited Liability Company Consist Software Voronezh
61276Vichislitelniy Centr Ltd.
61285JSC Gulfstream Security Systems
61291Territorial Fund of Obligatory Medical Insurance of the Stavropol region
612931C LLC
61302Huize Ltd
61305Corporation Ecopolis JSC
61306LLC Litres
61308Pvonet Ltd
61317Hivelocity LLC
61318Dancer LLC
61324D-Telekom LLC
61325LLC Cifra-Telecom
61326Rendez-vous Limited Liability Company
61344IN-Lan LTD
61358Ministerstvo Zdravookhraneniya Respubliki Dagestan
61359OOO KT-IX
61360Special Engineering and Design Bureau Orbita JSC
61372Azimut Telecom Ltd.
61375Ltd Operating Company Ticket House
61378Multi-Payment System LLC
61379MKB Investments LLC
61380LLC Enginet+
61382Komisvyazinvest LLC
61383Research and Production Company Medicina-Tekhnika LLC
61390Garant-G Ltd.
61396Okno-TV LLC
61400Start LLC
61403Sever Telecom JSC
61406Zavod RTA Ltd.
61410KSB Stealth LLC
61416State Autonomous Establishment of the Arkhangelsk Region Management of Information and Communication Technology of Arkhangelsk Region
61431Telecommunication Company Kama - Link LLC.
61433Region Plus Ltd.
61435JSC Arkhbum
61960Internod LLC
61964Freedom LLC
61971SarLink LLC
61976OOO Network of Data-Centers Selectel
61979Stolica Svyazi Ltd.
61980Stis Engineering LLC
61985Suhoy Log Intersat LTD.
61991CJSC Kraus-M
61992Internet Identification Center Limited Liability Company
62004LLC Virtualization Technology Center
62006Unecha Television Network Ltd.
62008Cable Systems Ltd
620103Data LLC
62019Bitriver Rus LLC
62029Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation
62036IT Labs LLC
62040Innovative Telecommunications LLC
62044Zscaler Switzerland GmbH
62046Naitex LLC
62056State Budgetary Health Care Institution of Arkhangelsk Region - Medical Information and Analytical Centre
62063Federal State Institution of Culture State Academic Bolshoi Theatre of Russia
62065KORUS Consulting CIS Ltd.
62067Telecom Service LLC
62069Telecommunication Union Ltd.
62082Hostland LTD
62084Chernyshov Aleksandr Aleksandrovich
62088Forestnet LLC
62103AirLink Ltd.
62115State Specialized Russian Export-Import Bank (Joint-Stock Company)
62122Renaissance Life Insurance Company Limited
62128LLC 'RT'
62130LLC Trans Analitica
62135Join-Stock Company Internet ExchangeMSK-IX
62142Konnektika LLC.
62150BARS Group JSC
62169JSC Smart Engineering
62200JSC ISPsystem
62205Unitel LLC
62218Ultra Telecom Ltd.
62221Amayama Auto Ltd.
62222Quicksoft LLC
62240Clouvider Limited
62241Forest Net LTD
62243Vkontakte Ltd
62247BTC Ltd.
62261Join-Stock Company Internet ExchangeMSK-IX
62264Federal State Budgetary Institution All-Russian Research Institute of Hydrometeorological Information - World Data Center
62266Cherpakov Aleksey Vladimirovich
62268Joint Stock Company Electronic Moscow
62272OblTelecomService LLC
62282UAB Rakrejus
62283DFW LLC
62286PremierKom OOO
62287JSC ER-Telecom Holding
62293Uralchem JSC
62295Jet Money LLC
62300Intercom LLC
62314Atmospherica Ltd.
62316OOO Contact-center GRAN
62330ASH Ltd
62331Media Holding TVK Ltd.
62333OOO Yulia
62340Infotelecom SP Ltd.
62344ITAR-TASS State Enterprise
62345PJSC Almaz R&P Corp.
62356IT-Novation LLC
62358Mosenergosbyt PJSC
62360PE Tikhonov Konstantin Aleksandrovich
62366Stolica Telecom Ltd.
62378Miatel LLC
62379Freeway LLC
62382LLC KDV Grupp
62389PJSC Yakovlev
62402Munitsipalnoe kazennoe uchrezhdenie Tsentr informatsionno-kommunikatsionnykh tekhnologii
62404MicFinance Plus LLC
62410Linenet Ltd.
62422Federal Antimonopoly Service
62423JSC ER-Telecom Holding
62426JSC Esteit Invest
62429C.S.T. Ltd.
62439RedLine Telecom LLC
62440PlazmaTelekom LLC
62444Altrum Ltd
62446Nika-Telecom LLC
62459Dubrovka Telecom LLC
62461Sue Oo Road Service
62462'Concept Comm' Ltd
64419Ecotel Ltd.
64423Granat Ltd.
64429DDS Service LLC
64432Variti+ LLC
64433OOO PC
64439IT Outsourcing LLC
64450Yadro LLC
64461Smartavia Airlines JSC
64486NPC Briz+ LLC
64492Partner-Service LLC
65577Reserved - Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
131444Huawei IT Data Center in AP
132203Tencent Building Kejizhongyi Avenue
134963Alibaba Cloud Singapore Private Limited
135377UCloud Information Technology HK Limited
136897EnjoyVC Cloud Group Limited.
136907Huawei Clouds
137263Netease Hong Kong Limited
137280Kingsoft Cloud Corporation Limited
138915Kaopu Cloud HK Limited
139057Legend Dynasty Pte. Ltd.
196629Antipov Oleg
196638AlloTelecom LLC
196641Federal Unitary State Enterprise General Radio Freqency Centre
196648North-Eastern Federal University N.A. M.K.Ammosov State Federal Autonomous Educational Organisation of Higher Professional Education
196657Vysokie Tehnologii Ltd.
196665Nikita Sergienko
196667Apeks Security Ltd
196685LLC Oil-Telecom
196686Company Online City LLC
196688Navigator Ltd
196691Get-Net LLC
196695NetOne Rus JSC
196698Korolev-Telecom Ltd.
196699Russ Outdoor LLC
196705Ardinvest Ltd
196716Crelcom LLC
196726Avianet Ltd
196739Success Ltd
196742LLC Ekran
196747PJSC Rostelecom
196750Seti Weba Ltd
196754JSC Grant-Telecom
196764RFI Minprirody Rossii Fbgu LLC
196768KTO OOO
196780Russian Systems Ltd
196786IP Yashutkin Andrei Vladimirovich
196791RTA Svyaz Ltd.
196796JSC AB Rossiya
196797Joint Stock Company TransTeleCom
196798Mifril+ LLC
196812SigmaTelecom Ltd
196847OJSC Sheremetyevo International Airport
196851Mayor Alexey Sergeevich
196879Volkhov Online Ltd
196884State Autonomous Cultural Organisation of Tyumen Region Tyumen Regional Science Library Named D.I.Mendeleeva
196893Liner Co. Ltd
196894GBU to Information Technology Center
196914Don LLC
196936Art-Telecom Ltd.
196938Krastelecom Ltd
196949Natalia Sergeevna Filicheva
196963Igor Vladimirovich Gorodkov
196977Private Entrepreneur Bubley Igor Yurievich
196986JSC 'Meridians and Parallels'
196991System Operator of the United Power System JSC
197002OOO Tenor
197007Ural Electronics Factory Ltd.
197010Public Joint-Stock Company Bank Otkritie Financial Corporation
197015Individual Entrepreneur Antipov Andrey Vyacheslavovich
197023MTS PJSC
197044JSC NTC Stek
197052Yankovskiy Nikolay Nikolayevich
197062JSC R-Pharm
197074Regionalnye Telesystemy Ltd.
197078Yarnet Ltd
197080Inmedis LLC
197097Ao Bankovskie Informacionnye Sistemy
197120LanInterCom LLC
197129FOP Kopilov Sergey
197140JSC ER-Telecom Holding
197150Federal State Unitary Enterprise of the Order of the Red Banner of Labour Russian Broad-casting and Notification Network
197153Glavnoe Upravlenie Vnutrennih del po Sverdlovskoi Oblasti
197163Kuban River Connection Ltd
197169ZAO Taxnet
197175Albina Anatoljevna Kolesnik Pe
197185LLC T-LAN
197193Electronic Trading Systems JSC
197204Telemaks Ltd
197235JSC Avantel
197257OOO Security Enterprise Ares-Ohrana
197258PJSC Sovkombank
197273PJSC Unipro
197275Link Telecom NN Ltd.
197276Voxys LLC
197287Center for Satellite Television DonSatTV Plus Ltd
197298Multifunctional Telecommunications Systems LTD
197303OCS Group Limited
197309RS-Media LLC
197311Juzhnye Telefonnye Seti Ltd
197315Rostovskaya Proizvodstvennaya Kompaniya Ltd.
197335Artem Zubkov
197340PJSC Promsvyazbank
197349LTD Novorossiysk Telecom Company
197366OOO Parma-Telecom
197379INVITRO-Information Technology LLC
197382Bal-TV LLC
197392Infodom Ltd
197394CJSC Telecommunications 21
197404Informational Systems LLC
197406OOO Telecom LTD
197414Xhost Internet Solutions LP
197420Ie Luzanov Anton Aleksandrovich
197449Private Entrepreneur Borisov Mikhail Alekseevich
197453Biz Telecom LLC
197460Zencom Ltd
197467Samara University Named After Korolev
197482DoubleGIS LLC
197489State Corporation Bank of Development Web.rf
197498VERBETA Ltd.
197499PE Pivovar Aleksej Nikolaevich
197526ANO VO Russian New University
197535LLC Svyazenergo
197553Federal State Budgetary Institution State Research Institute of Aviation Systems
197559OOO Non Banking Credit Organization Western Union DP East
197567Telekom-Servis Ltd.
197571LLC Search Portal Sputnik
197577KomTelecom LLC
197578PE Alekseenko Igor Yurevich
197591Cross Technologies JSC
197596Declarant Plus LLC
197627Ellad G. Yatsko
197628Sudak-Net LLC
197632Liral-Telecom Ltd
197643DKT Ltd Television and Radio Broadcasting Company
197658Level-MSK Ltd.
197665LLC City Stroy
197668Administration of the Governor and Government of the Kirov region
197695Domain Names Registrar Ltd
197700LSR Ltd
197714Chishko Evgeniy Nikolaevich
197717JSC Mikhailovsky GOK im. A.V. Varicheva
197718OOO Elektron
197725Bashkirenergo LLC
197728Isaev Mikhail Vladimirovich
197733LLC ATK Telecom
197756Pervaya Ekspedizionnaya Kompaniya LLC
197757Ivan Bulavkin
197760Cesar Satellite JSC
197765Autonomous public institution High technology park IT-park
197768Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Novosibirsk State Architectural and Construction University (Sibstrin)
197773JSC Ekaterinburgskaja Jelektrosetevaja Kompanija
197780Municipal Institution Center of Municipal Information Resources and Technologies
197783Joint Stock Company Management Company Bryansk Engineering Works
197786Telefonnyie Seti Ltd.
197793Gigabit LLC
197808Technical Services Company Ltd
197821JSC Chemical Pharmaceutical Plant AKRIKHIN
197826LLC Skynet
197831Telekom Ltd
197857Compass Plus Ltd
197865Window's Manufactory Ltd
197873JSCB Energobank
197878OOO M2M Telematica-Altai
197880ARQA Technologies LLC
197888SPB TV Telecom LLC
197896JSC InterProgressBank LLC
197923FOP Obuhov Oleg Gennadiyovich
197934Baltinvestbank PJSC
197952UK Uniservice LLC
197955LLC PK Angstrem
197960Limited Liability Company Internet Service Provider Mega
197969Federal State Unitary Enterprise Morsviazsputnik
197971Inet Telecom Ltd.
197972Intelecom LLC
197986PJSC TMK
197987FESCO Transportation Group Managing Company Limited
197998LLC AFK group
198021LLC Business Alliance
198028OOO Complex Automation
198039Shneider Group LLC
198052LLC Most
198056Teleoka Kom Ltd.
198062Foundation Center Innovation
198068P.A.G.M. Ou
198069JSC Russian Funds
198070LLC Pudlink
198074JSC Petroelectrosbyt
198076Lite Group Ltd.
198083Virtual Station LLC
198086Net Atelye Ltd.
198110LLC VISTlink
198117KORUS Consulting Group LLC
198122Digital Technology Ltd.
198130Gamma-Service LTD
198134OOO Getwifi
198137OOO Net-Nord
198181Ltd Open Technologies
198185LigaLink LLC
198195Martyukhin Pavel Alexandrovitch
198207Regional State State Institution Corporation for Development of Internet Technologies - Multifunctional Centre for Providing State and Municipal Services in the Ulyanovsk Region
198210LLC Baikal-Servis TK
198212Telenet Sayansk LLC
198226JSC Publishing House Komsomolskaya Pravda
198255JSC Settlement Solutions
198258JSC NAU Service
198261LTD Intelcom-TG
198274IT Kvartal Telecom Ltd.
198295JSC ER-Telecom Holding
198297JSC Ul-Com Media
198303Limited Liability Company Absolyt
198324Etersoft LLC
198348Enterprise Nix Ltd.
198350Siberian Internet Company LLC
198354SIS Laboratory LLC
198367Inko-Telecom LLC
198369Consumer Internet Cooperative
198384Omsk State Technical University
198390Joint Stock Company Investment Company FINAM
198415LTD Komplex-Info
198437LLC Direct Star
198438Intrast Ltd.
198445RDI Group Ltd
198449OJSC Airline company 'Ural Airlines'
198456Innostage LLC
198481LLC Sistema
198502JSC First Asset Management
198515Multicom LLC
198523Public Joint Stock Company Moscow Integrated Power Company
198526Gazinformservice Ltd.
198539Objedinennye Seti Ltd.
198541Intercomtel Limited Company
198542Individual Entrepreneur Vladimir V. Podonin
198544OJSC Uralkhimmash
198546Individual Entrepreneur Nenyus Dmitry Vladasovich
198563Passim-Servis Ltd.
198580You Online LLC
198588ProstoDNS Ltd.
198592OOO Svir'-Telecom
198598LLC Garden Retail Services
198602LLC Nauka-Svyaz
198610Beget LLC
198615RBA-Management LLC
198616MediaKvant Ltd.
198619IE Efremov Aleksej Alekseevich
198626Limited Liability Company Northern Capital Gateway
198639Sozvezdiye Oriona Ltd.
198640Shutov Iuriy Nikolaevich
198643New-Com Trade Ltd.
198645JSC International Airport Krasnodar
198654PEKITEL Ltd.
198667JSC InterMedia
198670Autonomous Non-Profit Organization Vyazemsky Information Network
198675Gelicon-Apple Limited liability company
198677Ao Ulkt
198681LC Group Ltd.
198683Sistemy Papilon Ltd.
198688Federal Service for Transport Supervision (Rostransnadzor)
198693Commercial Bank Uralfinance LLC
198700LLC M&P Management
198705PPR LLC
198712JSC Intervale
198715Orbita Ltd.
198716S 7 Information Technologies LLC
198718Ao Seversvjaz
198728OOO Panasonic RUS
198755Gorset Ltd.
198757MediaKvant Ltd.
198758Firma Svyaz Ltd.
198762OOO Migcredit
198769LLC 3Data DC
198770Virtual Infrastructures Ltd.
198774Ltd. Regional Media Transit
198778Electronic Radio Optical Systems Ltd
198784Eastern Property AG
198791Ekran-Telecom LLC
198806LLC Sibur
198809IE Prascharuk A.V.
198816PermTelecom Ltd
198817S 7 Information Technologies LLC
198819JSC United Grain Company
198821OOO Alkor and Co
198826LLC Inzhenernye Seti - Telekom
198832OOO Optical Transport Network
198833Korado JSC
198842Ltd. Product-Service
198856Valmaks LLC
198873OOO SK Soglasie
198877UTair Aviation JSC
198918OOO Interdol
198920Yevhen Hreshnykov
198929Limited Liability Company Sentinel Credit Management
198932Cek LLC
198933OOO Severo-Zapadnye telekommunikacii
198947JSC Retnnet
198953Proton66 OOO
198955Orange Bank LLC
198960Siberian Internet Company LLC
198976LLC Nauka-Svyaz
199000Cloudy Information Systems LLC
199007OOO Rolis
199008IP Gasanov Farhad Urujbekovich
199009The Technical Center of Internet Limited Liability Company
199010LLC Sweet Life Plus
199014Komos Group LLC
199020AVANT Ltd.
199021GreenLine Ltd.
199022Falcon Plus Ltd.
199024JSC TH Russkiy Kholod
199032Commercial Bank Stroylesbank LLC
199040Monolit-Stroy SZ LLC
199049Joint Stock Company TransTeleCom
199063Peremena Ltd.
199067Cloud LLC
199070State Intitution Resources of Yamala
199072Center of Computor Research JSC
199078Telecom-VIST Ltd.
199080JSC Commercial Bank Khlynov
199085AO Inline Group
199093Moscow Polytechnic University
199096JSC Digital Network Logos
199110R-18 Ltd.
199112Sigma-Soft Ltd
199119OOO Barstel
199120AO Sinara Group
199126Volkswagen Bank Rus LLC
199136Delta LLC
199145LLC Farmstandart
199146AT Scriptum Ltd.
199148Ministry of Health of Russian Federation
199153PSF Maximum LLC
199161OOO Pko Neftehimoborudovanie
199179Major Cargo Service LLC
199194Mont LLC
199214Sergey Sergeev
199247Intelit Ltd
199259Ural Security System Center Ltd.
199261Gildia LLC
199264Joint Stock Company Solnechnogorsk Plant Europlast
199274Serveroid LLC
199278Adant LLC
199280Megapage LLC
199287First Telecom Ltd
199314Drive Click Bank Limited Liability Company
199316Avtotor Holding LLC
199317Ltd. Saturn-R
199320Oa Osnova Telecom
199361LLC Mixplat Processing
199365ProstoDNS Ltd.
199377M-Plus LLC
199394LLC RTL
199420OOO Fly Engeneering Group
199424FC Grand Capital LLC
199427Limited Liability Company DataHarbour
199430Limited Liability Company Goodwood
199463Bank National Factoring Company (Joint-Stock Company)
199472Foundation for Assistance for Internet Technologies and Infrastructure Development
199502OOO WestCall Ltd.
199521OOO FK Puls
199524G-Core Labs S.A.
199530Viza-4 Ltd
199537Kit Finance Pa OOO
199546Moscomnet LLC
199549Open Joint Stock Company All Russian Institute of Light Alloys
199572Setevye Technologii LLC
199576JSC Group of Insurance Companies Ugoria
199583Municipal Government Institution of Krasnodar City Municipal Formation Electronic Krasnodar
199593LLC Synthesis
199599Telecom-Birzha LLC
199602LLC Gorodskoy supermarket
199619Intersvyaz LLC
199622DK Svyaz OOO
199623DK Svyaz OOO
199624DK Svyaz OOO
199634Yedinaya Setevaya Kompaniya Ltd
199635LLC NextTell'
199647DK Svyaz OOO
199658Fond Roskongress
199664Weareway Ltd
199669Okay-Telecom Ltd. LLC
199728Data-Line LLC
199730MS-Telecom LLC
199732Tericom LLC
199757National Testing Association State Metal Test Sites of Russia Federal State Enterprise
199778LLC Management Company Lama
199782Teletime Ltd.
199785Cloud Hosting Solutions Limited.
199798Investment Group Absolute LLC
199809Maxtel LLC
199820PE Dyatlov Sergey Vladimirovich
199833UgSel'hoz LLC
199858JSC Genbank
199860Atomdata JSC
199862JSC Group of Companies Renova Ltd.
199901S-Telecom LLC
199906Non-State Educational Institution Moscow Center for Continuous Mathematical Education
199922Pension and Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation
199933Elektranet Ltd.
199940JSC Central PPK
199961MultiTelesystems LLC
199966JSC Retnnet
199975TV Center JSC
199991Cyber-Telecom Ltd
199992Sakhalin Energy Limited Liability Company
200015Omnichannel Technologies LLC
200022AirNet Ltd
200035JSC Preprocessing Settlement Center
200041JSC Bank Agroros
200044Stack Group LLC
200048LLC Alean
200054Joint Stock Company Bank United Capital
200065GUP Moscow Metro
200066NETKOM-E Ltd.
200096Punto Pago Panama S.A.
200107Kaspersky Lab Switzerland GmbH
200110Dinteg LLC
200121Center for IT Solutions for Business LLC
200123Kola Geological Information Laboratory Centre OJSC
200152Ipsos Comcon LLC
200161DATAPRO Limited Liability Company
200166LLC Sedrus
200175LLC Planet of Flowers
200178Tarik Al-Thuraya Company for Communications Service Ltd.
200195Verasel Inc.
200200Iraq Al-Wataniyah Co. for Telecom Services Ltd.
200214Softtime LLC
200215Fabrika-Kukhnya Ltd.
200264Scientific-Production Enterprise Business Sviaz Holding LLC
200285Suzuki Motor RUS Ltd
200294State Autonomous Institution of the Republic of Dagestan Information Technology Center
200302FNK LLC
200323V.I.Ilichev Pacific Oceanological Institute Far Eastern Branch Russian Academy of Sciences
200350Yandex.Cloud LLC
200362Internet Systems LLC
200364Department of Press and Mass Media of Altay region
200389Ile de Beaute JSC
200390Peter-Service Special Technologies LLC
200401Kazakov Aleksey Alexandrovich
200430Webo LLC
200442Kotsarev Alexey Evgenevich
200452Promsort-Tula LLC
200453AO Institute Stroyproekt (JSC)
200457Mind Bridge Group LLC
200463LLC firm Letkom
200466TST OOO
200467Oleksii Sharienkov
200471Novartis AG
200479Mera NN Ltd.
200487OOO VPS
200496Budgetary institution in the field of information technologies of the Vologda region Center informacionnyh technologii
200503D-Link Trade Ltd.
200513Service Terminal Media LLC
200515Gruppa Polyplastic LLC
200524OOO Netplus
200551Zao Torgovye Rjady
200575LLC Integra Management
200593Prospero OOO
200613Imeretinskay Riviera LLC
200619Trading House VKT Ltd.
200627LLC BPC Processing Center
200634Internet Service Center Ltd.
200637Absolute Insurance Ltd
200643Osinovaya Roshcha Ltd
200644Joint Stock Company Space Rocket Centre Progress
200662LLC Beta VoIP
200663Smarttek ink LLC
200679State Institute of Technology Saint-Petersburg
200685Senator Telecom Ltd.
200686Federal State Budgetary Institution Federal Center of Testing
200722Cube-Telecom LLC
200733LLC AMGroup
200734AirLink LLC
200743LLC Polymedia
200762Commersant Kartoteka LLC
200764MKC Ltd.
200778Elektroset Ltd
200802Prime-Service LLC
200803Lankom OOO
200829Region Telekom Ltd.
200830LLC Home Me MC
200833Antares LLC
200838Radioimpuls LLC
200847NBFC MobileCard Ltd.
200875Skorost LLC
200922YUG-Telecom Ltd.
200926Public Joint-Stock Company Bank Otkritie Financial Corporation
200935Mobicon CJSC
200953Zelenaya Tochka Vladivistok LLC
200976LifeStream Ltd
200982Zelenaya Tochka Tomsk LLC
200988Bridge Telecom LLC
200993Yanislav Basiuk
201008CTC Joint Stock Company
201009Centre of Server Systems Ltd
201012Keh Ecommerce LLC
201016NPF Berkut Ltd
201018CJSC Erkafarm
201022Active business systems Ltd.
201037True Engineering LLC
201052Autonomous Nonprofit Organisation Computer Incident Response Center
201065LLC Center Buketov
201069APEX-CRIMEA Ltd.
201092Fbu Central Base of Aviation Forest Protection Avialesookhrana
201100LLC Demo-Club
201119Icewood LLC
201123Zelenaya Tochka Ufa LLC
201135Dream Net Ltd
201137JSC OTC
201138JSC UCB
201144Infosecurity Ltd
201147Abdurakhmanov Magomed Zikrulaevich
201151Intermax Regional Networks LLC
201186LLC Digital Network
201193Internet Projects JSC
201195LLC Magazin Malogo Kreditovaniya
201204LLC Runet Business Systems
201211LLC Tvoi Telecom
201224Tikhomirov Evgeny Viktorovich
201231Nemcev Vitaliy Nikolaevich PE
201244Russian Scientific Fund
201247Mr Group JSC
201250Zelenaya Tochka Lipetsk LLC
201267State Unitary Enterprise of Krasnodar Region Information Technology Center
201268JSC SKB Kontur Production
201270Zelenaya Tochka Belgorod LLC
201275Can Pack LLC
201282SMIT Ltd
201285Kirzhachtelecom LLC
201294Interkonekt LLC
201296Proftelecom-Service Ltd
201297Integrated IT services LLC
201298LLC Mikrotek
201302LLC Volna
201312LLC BPS Innovative Software Solutions
201327Biznes Technologii LLC
201368JSC Koshelev-Bank
201389I-T Expert LLC.
201394Lenta Ltd
201417Teraline Telecom Ltd
201429Transavtoliz LLC
201430LLC bank Round
201443Svyaz Project LLC
201465JSC Rosta
201468Agrosvyaz Ltd
201469Concept Ltd.
201475STC Ltd
201477Khimki-Smi JSC
201498MX Management Ltd.
201511ScPA Starline LLC
201512LLC Wildberries
201515Medical Center XXI Century Nonprofit Organisation
201551V Online LLC.
201556Videoline LLC
201564JSC STNG
201570LLC Mobile Television Systems
201571JSC Toyota Bank
201578MagistralNY Telecom LLC
201582Zao Ivs-Seti
201588Digital Technologies LLC
201593Technologii Svyazi Ltd.
201606LLC Aflt-Systems
201624Aranea LLC
201631TransAsia LLC
201643GBU So Operator of Electronic Government
201646Flex-l Ltd
201669JSC UTG Group
201677JSC Techsnabexport
201706ServicePipe LLC
20171766 Parallel LLC
201721AKT LLC
201745Courier-Service LLC
201752JSC Commercial Bank Sokolovsky
201757Joint-Stock Commercial Bank Ak Bars (Ojsc)
201774JSC Bank Finservice
201776Miranda-Media Ltd
201778FSBE Institution of He I.S. Turgenev Orlovsky State University
201781Unikalnie Technologii Ltd.
201786OOO ComLine
201788Rusenergosbyt JSC
201794OJSC Mosinzhproekt
201797SB:Service Ltd
201800LLP Delovie Linii
201804Russian Association of Motor Insurers
201812IL Technologies Group Limited
201820JSC Khabarovsky Airport
201825Rusphone OOO
201826LLC EraTelecom Company
201835State Institution of the Yamal-Nenets autonomous district Multifunctional Centre of state and municipal services
201839Zaymer PJSC
201844LLC Korus
201848Trader Soft LLC
201851PJSC Pik Specialized Developer
201858OOO MP SST
201913Theorema Telecom Limited
201914RozTech LLC
201916PS Processing LLC
201952LTD AtelRybinsk
201970LLC Komandor-Holding
201974Limited Liability Company Cloud Solutions
201994Joint Stock Company Modniy Continent
202009Forais LLC
202011En+ Telekom LLC
202058Ekaterinburg-2000 LLC
202070LLC Gazpromneft ITO
202078Mix LLC
202082LLC Ilot
202091ZEON Ltd.
202127Company LLC Splav
202136A-Siti Limited Liability Company
202150Inter-Svyaz LLC
202156LLC PPF Life Insurance
202164Netcube LLC
202173MaximaTelecom JSC
202181Transportation Assets Management LLC
202202LLC Orion
202231StoTelecom Ltd.
202234Semantic LLC
202279Gyn DNR Komtel
202289Lovitel LLC
202290IK Host Ltd.
202342Federal State Budgetary Institution National Medical Research Center for Coloproctology Named After A.N. Ryzhykh of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
202344LLC Basalt Svobodnoe Programnoe Obespechenie
202406Limited Company LineBit
202423Tyurin Viktor Mihaylovich
202432IT Service Profit OOO
202446Smarts JSC
202486TSK LLC
202492Silverhill Group Holding Ltd
202493Intercom OOO
202497LLC TRK Miske Budivnutstvo
202498Tinkoff Mobile LLC
202501Joint-Stock Companies Sakhalinsvyaz
202508FoamLine LLC
202510North-Western Trade House LLC
202533MC Vybor Ltd.
202537Etm JSC
202542Ministry of Finance of the Sakhalin Region
202578Kubanenergoservice LLC
202594Russian Space Systems JSC
202611Yandex.Telecom LLC
202629InmarSoft LLC
202633Transoil LLC
202642CJSC Container Terminal Saint-Petersburg
202656Ivanov Vitaliy Sergeevich
202674JSC Makc
202689Baltiyskiy Lizing LLC
202696Trusted Network LLC
202700Individual entrepreneur Kushkhov Azret Ali Alisakhovich
202717Teleset LLC
202734Social Discovery Engineering Ltd
202752OOO Spacetel
202760JSC DIXY South
202764B2B Grupp OOO
202768Ariana Ltd
202778Medsoft LLC
202781IT Service Ltd
202799Sysect d.o.o.
202800TechnoKom Ltd
202801BrokerCreditService Ltd
202802LLC Stavropolskiy Broiler
202804PJSC MegaFon
202806LLC Ska
202824Ao Ats
202832JSC Probank
202838OOO Intercom
202852Molniya OOO
202871Sibirskie Seti Ltd.
202873Ibragimkhalil Nasrutdinov PE
202880Esk Ao
202910Internet Vikings International AB
202923LLC Kyud
202934LLC Soyuzelectro
202935DEFO-St. Petersburg Limited Liability Company
202961JSC Special Economic Zone Industrial and Manufacturing Typealabuga
202963Master-Integration Ltd
202974First Service Provider Ltd.
202984Chernyshov Aleksandr Aleksandrovich
202989OFIS24 OOO
202999Vostok Telecom LLC
203004GlavTel Ltd
203006Information Technology Support LLC
203020HostRoyale Technologies Pvt Ltd
203093JSC Zarubezhneft
203117MTK LLC
203118Ezerdi LLC
203131JSC Apatit
203173CentroFinance Group MFO OOO
203190LLC Global Link
203203Limited Liability Company RTS-Tender
203270PJSC Forward Energy
203290Limited Liability Company Bliss-Pro
203353Agrisovgaz Ltd.
203371Trans Inform LLC
203387Telix LLC
203395Konstruktor Informatsionnih Tehnologii Ltd
203401Boxberry-soft OOO
203407JSC Russian Copper Company
203444MapMakers Group Ltd
203451K-telekom LLC
203473Servis Svyazi Loginnet LLC
203492Closed Joint Stock Company Power Telecom
203493Egor Timoshenko
203498JSC Intellin
203509ANO VO Universitet Innopolis
203514ROSSKO-K Ltd.
203517Avilex LLC
203527Filonenko Andrey PE
203533Tambovskiy bekon LLC
203542IT-Prof LLC
203549individual entrepreneur Eduard Uruzov
203561KTK Telecom LLC
203563Vostok LLC
203599Novosibirsk Social Commercial Bank Levoberezhny (Public Joint-Stock Company)
203627Pobeda OOO
203668LLC Conceptgroup
203695Saypudinov Ayatula
203697JSC Bank Finservice
203699OOO UK Chernogolovka
203714LLC Flex
203725St. Petersburg State Unitary Enterprise St. Petersburg Information and Analytical Centre
203730Sviazinvestregion LLC
203746JSC MBKI
203749O2 Cloud LLC
203750State Unitary Enterprise of Krasnodar Region Information Technology Center
203784Fiber Telecom Ltd
203791OOO Kurier
203794LLC Gals-Telecom
203803Telvio Ltd.
203805Agentstvo ofisnyih tehnologiy INFOLINE Ltd.
203806Granline Ltd.
203816OOO Ester Service
203831LLC New Point
203832LLC Pro IT Resource
203841Rusaccreditation. Federal Service for Accreditation
203844Intom Ltd.
203870ANO Anglo-American School of Moscow
203883LLC Bank Avers
203907Evotor LLC
203922Internet Service Center Ltd.
203968Aiticon GmbH
203972LLC Tataisneft
204039CityTelecom LLC
204041CityTelecom LLC
204048Joint Stock Volga Shipping
204049LLC 3Data
204067Sue Great Moscow State Circus On Vernadsky Street
204076CityLanCom LTD
204077Severnye Volokonno-Opticheskie Sistemy Ltd.
204102LLC Smartgrupp
204108S.U.E. DPR Republic Operator of Networks
204112G1 Entertainment LLC
204117OOO WestCall Ltd.
204128AT Telecom LLC
204137Orion telecom ltd
204144Comfort XXI Century Ltd.
204159Autodoc Ltd.
204161Alexey Geiner
204169Intel City Group LLC
204173Kompromiss LLC
204198NCO Moneta (LLC)
204199Surya LLC
204211General IT Rus LLC
204217LLC Slaviya
204219Joint-Stock Company Petrolesport
204226I-Teco JSC
204230Gazprom Ep International Services B.V.
204231Systematic Ltd
204237Company Metall Profil Ltd.
204255Ltd. Myasokombinat Kunkurskij
204271Showjet OOO
204272Asarta LLC
204276Eutelsat Networks LLC
204277MegaLink LLC
204297LLC Belgorod Networking Telecommunication Company
204298Ao Todep
204304JSC Independent Neftegaz Company
204305Nelep Nikolay Valerievich
204311M Tech LLC
204323Novex Ltd.
204337OOO UK Rosnano
204338IT Lite LLC
204343Compubyte Limited
204350IPBoom Telecom LLC
204354PJSC Rostelecom
204357Volkswagen Group RUS
204362Ilin Vyacheslav Nikolaevich IP
204459LLC 3Data DC
204477UralKali PJSC
204489Kvartplata Online LLC.
204490Kontel LLC
204492Scientific-Production Enterprise Business Sviaz Holding LLC
204496Gagra Telecom LLC
204507LLC Baikal Service TC
204520Cloudy Information Systems LLC
204525LLC Digitallab
204551United Toll Systems Limited Liability Company
204553Topmedia LLC.
204564LLC Mir Mitino Telecom
204574Ao Nip Informzaschita
204576Denis Dmitrievich Galyamin
204582The Technical Center of Internet Limited Liability Company
204587Ion LLC
204600Atlantic LLC.
204623OOO New Line
204634Tov Onet-Group
204656LLC ServiceCloud Plus
204678LLC Usergate
204696Auchan LLC
204703Atroshchenko Maksim Vladimirovich
204713Ural Consulting Company Ltd
204720Global Cloud Network LLC
204735Bobr-Telecom LLC
204738OOO Etazhi-Zapadnaya Sibir
204752Rimer Anton Ivanovich
204791Starlink Crimea Ltd.
204792Telesistemy LTD
204820AktivCom LLC
204822Alvist LLC
204825CityTelecom LLC
204827JSC Bank Reso Credit
204833Vostok Telecom LLC
204846Rostpay Ltd
204848Arkona Softlab LLC
204878OOO Sovremennye Setevye Tekhnologii
204891LLC Crystal Service Integration
204895Yury Dolin
204898OOO Avantelecom
204910LLC Leroy Merlin Vostok
204916Racktech Co. Ltd.
204919JSC Krasavia
204925Center for Information and Communication Technologies of the Republic of Bashkortostan State Unitary Enterprise
204941LLC Tsentralnaya Gorodskaya Set
204952JSC ER-Telecom Holding
204957Green Floid LLC
204961Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Lomonosov Moscow State University
204980TDM Tech LLC
204991AVS-Electro LLC
204997First Server Limited
205022Join-Stock Company Internet ExchangeMSK-IX
205031VoxImplant Inc.
205047JSC Gevura
205060Departament Smolenskoy oblasti po Informatsionnym tekhnologiyam
205062LightPort Ltd
205063Cortel LLC
205070ATC Telecom Ltd.
205076Polishchuk Yaroslav Alexandrovich
205084ASK-IT LLC
205090First Server Limited
205125Network Management Ltd
205126LLC Onelya
205130LLC Telemetrica
205153Tsum Trading House OJSC
205161Sberbank of Russia PJSC
205162MetaTeh LLC
205194LLC Information Lines
205220RH & Co. IT Services Ltd
205226Medianet LLC
205236ISP Gipercom LLC
205264RocketNet Ltd.
205297Nevskiy Syndicat OOO
205312OOO Sovremennye Setevye Tekhnologii
205324LLC Hyperglobus
205326Rost LLC
205349Akb Peresvet (PAO)
205391Merzlyakov A.B. PE
205396Prian LLC
205412I-Digital Limited Liability Company
205433Infobis LLC
205439IP Park LLC
205442SMS Traffic LLC
205454CDS Ltd
205460LLC Svyaz Invest
205482Direct Mail LLC
205495OOO L-Telecom
205500Mega Tec LLC
205515Telecommunication Systems LLC
205528Midion LLC
205553Ltd Magistral_telecom
205562NovaCard JSC
205567Gemotest Laboratories
205569Regionsvyaz OOO
205576JSC FC Spartak-Moscow
205601Didgital Design Ltd
205611LLC Basis Auto
205616LLC Balance-Platform
205628OOO MIG-Service Centre
205638Tinkoff Bank JSC
205641ELCOM-Svyaz OOO
205646Newtel Company OU
205652CryptoCentre LLC
205657Golitsyno Telecom Ltd
205682Investregionprom LLC
205701Agenstvo Absolyut Ltd
205710Makrokom LLC
205711IGRA-Service LLC
205717National Cash Desk LLC
205720LLC Maltat
205735LLC Mitra
205754TK Alfa JSC
205773LLC Telecom-Service
205781Citylan LLC
205784NV Telecom LLC
205800Steps Telecom for Internet Ltd.
205822Limited Liability Company Devino Telecom
205824Ie Laguntsov Ivan Nikolaevich
205830Digital Transformation Plus LLC
205849LLC MP Group Isteit
205864Edisoft LLC
205922Bitrek LLC
205952Rusonyx Ltd.
205954Dataline Ltd
205963Burger Rus LLC
205971JSC ER-Telecom Holding
205978JSC Lonmadi
205998SkyTel LLC
206011Freedom LLC
206012Axiostv Ltd.
206027Freight Link OJSC
206044Mobico Services Limited
206054Towerstream LLC
206066Teledom LLC
206069JSC Kurumoch International Airport
206083Internet-Park Ltd
206115OR Ltd.
206134OOO Razvitie Optimizatsiya System Svyaz Telecom
206152OOO Regional Wireless Networks
206153Joint-Stock Company Prosveshcheniye Publishers
206167OOO Hamster
206171Iridium Communications LLC
206179OOO SDK Garant
206181Joint-Stock Company Energosbytovaya Kompaniya Vostok
206213Zhuchkov Mikhail
206243Dzardanov Artur Kazbekovich
206256Ltd RegionTehSvyaz
206269MIR Telekom LLC
206295Joint Stock Company Medsi Group
206301LLC IT Expert
206323SBI Bank LLC
206333Atlanta LLC
206334TeleradioCompany Start LLC
206337Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth of the Russian Academy of Sciences Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution
206338MRSK Urala
206385OOO Spetstelecom-Yug
206395Scientific And Production Enterprise Insoft LLC
206396ITCom LLC
206403Fund of Anatoly Mikhailovich Granov
206407Reconn LLC
206419State Unitary Enterprise of the Kursk Region Information Center Region-Kursk
206435Individual Entrepreneur Umarov Huseyn Suleimanovich
206448LLC Southtranstelecom
206465Orgkhim Biochemical Holding Management Company Joint-Stock Company
206515A1 Systems Ltd.
206536Joint Stock Volga Shipping
206538Alfa-Telecom OOO
206572Administration of Barnaul City
206585Mosenergo PJSC
206630Standard Telecom LLC
206631Penoplex SPB LLC
206649IP Shamilov Timur Gazimagomedovich
206653BioCad JSC
206661JSC ER-Telecom Holding
206668Market TV LLC
206673Sberbank-Telecom LLC
206684FGUP Russian Scientific Research Institute of Optical and Physical Measurements
206707Individual Entrepreneur Gutov Ivan Mikhailovich
206710Invest Palata LLC
206724Lasnet Techno LLC
206728Media Land LLC
206756Beltelecom LLC
206764JSC MediaSoft Ekspert
206767Basis LLC
206803LLC Terabit
206804EstNOC OY
206805LLC T1Cloud
206810Gup DNR Ugletelecom
206812Domain Names Registrar Ltd
206817Adman LLC
206820Nice Telecom LLC
206827TrackMotors LLC
206845FSBI SCCS of A. N. Bakulev of The Ministry of Health of The Russian Federation
206846VoxImplant Inc.
206850Neoflex Consulting JSC
206871FinSib SD LLC
206873GalaxyStar LLC
206904LLC Citilink
206905Research Institute of Complex Security Systems LLC
206926Letit LLC
206955Evotor LLC
206965Corporatsia ZNAK LLC
206968PJSC Rosseti
206973Non-Banking Credit Organization Elecsnet Joint Stock Company
207016OOO VTC-Mobile
2070251C-RARUS Limited Liability Company
207027LLC Eximius
207055BrokerCreditService Ltd
207056Maloe Innovacionnoe Predpriyatie Bonch IT LLC
207064DBS Technologies LLC
207078Credit Ural Bank Joint Stock Company
207093Telematika Plus OOO
207103LLC Cifrovie Seti Urala
207104BiZone LLC
207124OJSC Makfa
207128Streamlet Ltd.
207133Rucomtech LLC
207165OOO 05Com
207168Business Trade Ltd
207205IT System Solutions LLC
207207Yandex.ofd LLC
207209IT-Zavod LLC
207228Uplink Ltd.
207239LLC G&G-Telecom
207240JSC Ufanet
207256Individual Entrepreneur Nikita A. Zolotarev
207258LLC Fenix
207259Energo Ltd
207284Aspect LLC
207288Trading House Toledo Ltd.
207293Svjaznoy OU
207321JSC National Media Group
207340Kruglyakov Alexandr Yurjevich
207353Ruform LLC
207361LLC Usergate
207373Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Altai State Pedagogical University
207380LLC PF Technotorg
207382Realize LLC
207384OOO Negotsiant
207387Gravitel OOO
207397Municipal unitary enterprise of the Murom district EFIR
207423Steil-South Ltd
207433JSC Metrovagonmash
207438Petersburg Metro
207447OOO Smart Technologies
207457AT Telecom LLC
207472Omnichannel Technologies LLC
207473OOO ZVI Telecom
207479Scientific-Production Enterprise Business Sviaz Holding LLC
207496Digi Tech LLC
207501Bikinskie Elektronnye Systemy OOO
207504LLC Investments and Innovations
207518JSC Nipigaz
207532Fortran OOO
207547SvyazTelecom LLC
207548JSC Shvabe
207561Limited Liability Company Floral Alliance
207566Chang Way Technologies Co. Limited
207581Vkontakte Ltd
207634Digital Link Limited Liability Company
207648VDI Service LLC
207657JSC Emergency Technical Center of Rosatom
207665OOO Optimal'Nye Sistemy Svyazi (Limited Liability Company)
207676Best Line Ltd.
207692CTC Joint Stock Company
207698The Turner Scientific Research Institute for Children's Orthopedics
207713Global Internet Solutions LLC
207744Mik LLC
207753Barnet LLC
207794Online Sever LLC
207822NPK Morsvyazavtomatica LLC
207839FAU GlavGosExpertiza Rossii
207853NPO Unimach LLC
207859Glavstroy Ltd
207867BIA-Technologies LLC
207873JSC Kuchenland Home Rus
207874TrackMotors LLC
207875Nikita Sergienko
207883LLC KPD-Telecom
207909Nikolai Anatolievich Andreenkov
207935INSI Steal Constructions LLC
207952Evro Telecom OOO
207957Sevasteev Artem Nikolaevich
207967Anton Mamaev
207970LLC VK
207977Limited Liability Company Sovremennye Besprovodnye Tehnologii
207978Fits KNTS So Ran
207979Dmitry Zhmurco
207984Crazy Panda Rus Ltd.
207986LLC Ozon Bank
207990HostRoyale Technologies Pvt Ltd
208008LLC Leroy Merlin Vostok
208047ALET LLC
208056Smartcom LLC
208061Limited Company Telecontact
208075Federal State Unitary Enterprise of the Order of the Red Banner of Labour Russian Broad-casting and Notification Network
208087Novosibirsk Telecommunication Company Ltd.
208090Association of cable network operators of Crimea
208092Global Consult Group LLC
208099TR-Project LTD
208102Individual Entrepreneur Rylov Roman Yrevich
208107Evseev Pavel Nikolaevich
208111JSC Technopark of Saint-Petersburg
208142LLC Rocket Telecom
208155Numedy LLC
208165Akcionernoye Obschestvo Sberbank Lizing
208177Public Joint-Stock Company Commercial Bank Center-Invest
208178Federal State Institution National Library of Russia (NLR)
208186CJSC Konsom SKS
208207LLC The Insurance Company Gelios
208219Fti Rostransmodernizatsiya
208221Orion telecom ltd
208274Netup LLC
208291LLC Online Logic
208300Sokirkin Vasilij Yur'Evich
208303LLC Svyazkontaktinform
208312Red Byte LLC
208314Access Telecom Ltd.
208324Noor Al-Bedaya for General Trading and Agricultural Ltd.
208325European University at Saint Petersburg
208345Mebius JSC
208349O2 Cloud LLC
208352Ano Hockey Club Salavat Yulaev
208360Bubble LLC
208371Bukvoed Ltd.
208380Miram Ltd.
208388Ao Odezhda 3000
208397Infostroy LLC
208398Edge Technology Plus d.o.o. Beograd
208401Svjaznoy OU
208409FKP Zavod Imeni Sverdlova
208411Medlinx Limited Liability Company
208413Rubynet LLC
208435Zverkov Sergey Aleksandrovich PE
208447LLC Fastmile
208456ITGlobalcom Rus LLC
208461Natsinvestprombank (JSC)
208503LLC Lord
208511Korporatsiya R-Industriya LLC
208534Fsbi Central Research Institute of Organization and Informatization of Health of the Ministry of Health
208541LLC It-Media
208544Shahaev Gadzhi Abdurahmanovich
208547LLC NPK Volga-Avtomatika
208573Bondarev Andrei Gennadievich
208587OOO ZVI Telecom
208604Petroviser LLC.
208605Government of Magadan Region
208615Central Design Bureau of Machine Building Joint-Stock Company Company
208626Servtech Ltd
208629RC Company LLC
208631PJS SCBP Primsotsbank
208640Channel One Russia Worldwide JSC
208677Cloud Technologies LLC Trading as
208701TRK Amos LLC
208720LLC Rosinfokom
208729Kozitskiy A.M. PI
208739PJSC Pharmacy Chain 36.6
208748IE Shakhaev Gadzhi Abdurakhmanovich
208752Baykonursvyazinform Sue
208762Chuvakov Igor Nikolaevich
208774Joint Stock Company TTS
208777Lankey Information Technologies LLC
208780Andial Ltd.
208803ACN LLC
208811JSC Alfa-Bank
208825Redline OOO
208827CryptoCentre LLC
208838Domset OOO
208879Teraline Telecom Ltd
208890Sue LPR Republican Digital Communication
208894TRM Ltd.
208903Federal State Budgetary Institution Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics of Siberian Branch Russian Academy of Sciences
208936PE Dmitry Filonenko
208954OOO Upitertelecom
208955Uralnet LLC
208975Individual Entrepreneur Knyazev Ilya Nikolaevich
208978Zinchenko Sergey Olegovich
208981Data Center LLC
208991Tochka Dostupa Ltd.
208992Axatel LLC
209005SB-Line OOO
209008UGTelecom LLC
209019New Communications Ltd.
209024MTS PJSC
209030Kaspersky Lab AO
209037LLC Mikrotek
209038Alexey Geiner
209059G Com Ltd.
209067Aviva-Telecom Ltd.
209084Bank of Russia
209096Ant Digital Services Ltd
209099Limited Liability Company Nonstop
209119PJSC Joint-Stock Insurance Company Energogarant
209141China Mobile International (Russia) LLC
209206Voronezh Telecom LLC
209217Russian Fishery LLC
209219LLC DagInfoNet
209224Cyberhub International Ltd
209228MP-Nedvizhimost LLC
209242CloudFlare London LLC
209248Interset Ltd.
209284EGS-Telecom.Kaluga LLC
209303Alkotorg Ltd
209307LLC Cifrovie Seti Urala
209313Interservis Ltd.
209339JSC National satellite company
209343Svyaz JSC
209351Joint Stock Company Investment Company FINAM
209352Joint Stock Company Investment Company FINAM
209367LLC Hapotele
209372SIA Singularity Telecom
209382Eurojay Limited
209393OOO Dontel
209406Ipway LLC
209415LLC 1-2-3 Production
209420Start LLC
209445Telecom Five LLC
209446VAS Experts Ltd
209448Avtogermes-Zapad LLC
209458DN Telecom Ltd.
209473Infodec LLC
209476Non-Commercial Organization Foundation for Development of the Center for Elaboration and Commercialization of New Technologies
209517JSC TCS
209520JSC Goznak
209546NK-Net OOO
209592Internet42 LLC
209599TD Sima-Land LLC
209636Transmost JSC
209655LLC Fibertel
209656JSC Rosterminalugol
209657SVININ M.Y. PE
209666Private Entrepreneur Shakhmin Alexandr Sergeevich
209667Smart-Office LLC
209679SPB GBUZ Children's City Policlinic 49 Pushkin District
209680Jetbrains S. R. O.
209684Action-Digital LLC
209687Kvant LLC
209698Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution Of Higher Education Volga State University Of Technology
209701Sberbank-factoring Ltd.
209720LLC Multinet-Lugan
209728Expert Telecom LLC
209739JSC National satellite company
209746LLC Cifrovie Seti Urala
209751AT Telecom LLC
209755Newlime LLC
209758CryptoCentre LLC
209759Moy Telecom LLC
209773LLC Company New Radio
209775Solidnet Ltd
209779Joint Stock Company Commercial Bank Solidarnost
209785Repropark Ltd
209787Alltech LLC
209788LLC Cifrovie Seti Urala
209794Noviy Format TK Ltd.
209796LLC Rushydro IT Service
209805SBCloud LLC
209821Ao Mirs
209867LLC Security Agency Scorpion
209873Relyef Centr LLC
209885Altai Regional Information and Analytical Center
209890JSC Moscow Automotive Factory Moskvich
209926SkyStream Ltd.
209930DataSpace Partners LLC
209950Voltaks-Aliance LLC
209954Star-Telecom Ltd.
209955Usinsk-Inform LLC
209962MRSK Volgi PJSC
209973PJSC Sovkombank
209974ITGlobalcom Rus LLC
210028LLC Complex Systems
210033LLC Mikrotek
210063Company Telecom LLC
210071Limited Liability Company Webget
210078Inform-Holding Ltd.
210079EuroByte LLC
210093Alexander Sharkov
210109LLC Kurgan-Telecom
210113JSC AB Rossiya
210135Yug-Telecom-K Ltd.
210160Akb Almazergienbank JSC
210188Sushi Master Center Ltd.
210200CloudLite LLC
210201Connected Business LLC
210209LLC Veelan
210223LMA CJSC
210239The M.I. Krivosheev Radio Research & Development Institute
210240New Communication Technologies LLC
210267Maxima LLC
210276Federal State Budget Educational Establishment of Higher Education Moscow State Law University Named After O.E Kutafin (Msla)
210342CKU-IT LLC.
210352Aeza Group LLC
210357Shahbanov Ramis Magomedalievich
210359ECCO Sko A/S
210431TKH-Invest Ltd.
210443RC Company LLC
210471Master Telecom Limited Liability Company
210491OOO Quantek
210493ITS Pro Ltd.
210494Registrant LLC
210550Andrey Krukover
210552Laguna Tech Pro LLC
210553Connecting LLC
210600PJSC Seligdar
210616SM Ltd.
210644Aeza International LTD
210656Yandex.Cloud LLC
210682Payment Service A3 LLC
210698Financial University Under the Government of the Russian Federation
210702TelecomV4 LLC
210706OOO Stroyterminal Center Krasok
210720PE Novoshitskiy V.V.
210725OOO Kinostudiya Zvezda
210726ADV Launchpad Limited Liability Company
210735Bit LLC
210739Neolink Grupp LLC
210753Tilda Publishing LLC
210756EdgeCenter LLC
210766JSC ER-Telecom Holding
210778Kazakov Aleksandr
210786Management Company Efko JSC
210787CDEK-Global LLC
210827Aurora Telecom LLC
210828ProfHolod Ltd.
210868Limited Liability Company R-Business Svyaz
210894JSC DSC
210899Torgovyi Dom Neftmagistral LLC
210914LLC Scientific and Methodological Center for Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics Citylab
210928RDB 24 Ltd.
210954Joint Stock Company Scientific and Production Association Named After S.A. Lavochkin
210989Private Institution of Culture Museum Victoria - The Art of Being Contemporary
210993Spacecore Solution Ltd
211000Doorhan - Torgovyj Dom LLC
211002G2 LLC
211028SpetsavtomatikaService LLP
211059Tribeka Web Advisors S.A.
211076PJSC Novatek
211078JSC Online Reservation System
211082Tekhno Ltd
211101Nasteka Maksim Viktorovich
211134Intersys Ltd
211150Svyazinform LLC
211164Metropol Esset Management LLC
211173LLC Nzrrta
211183AdminVPS OOO
211185Ruschemalliance LLC
211202Gau No Cit
211221JSC Stankomachcomplex
211229LLC Lion-Trade
211240Krasseti LLC
211245Crimea Systemenergy LLC
211246LLC Interion
211247Heyling LLC
211258Federal State Autonomous Institution of Higher Education Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University)
2112703Knet Telekom LLC
211282Consumer Internet Cooperative PG-19
211311FESCO Transportation Group Managing Company Limited
211347CPO of Samara Region
211366Link LLC.
211379Neo-Telecom Plus Ltd.
211382Federal State Unitary Enterprise of the Order of the Red Banner of Labour Russian Broad-casting and Notification Network
211399KPD group OOO
211400JSC Monopoly
211404Resource Group LLC
211406Cloud Provider LLC
211409Shelter LLC
211446A Group LLC
211497UK Tavros LLC
211503CJSC Trinity
211506Slavcom Ltd.
211508Educational Fund Talent and Success
211515Sbi So Cifrovoy Region
211520LLC Amber
211529Odintsovskaya Teploset JSC
211530Telecom-Birzha LLC
211532Moscow Technical University of Telecommunications and Informatics
211542RKS-Energo LLC
211563Information and Communication Technologies LLC
211605LLC Vectortel
211609Okko LLC
211613MSS LLC
211616JSC RZD-Zdorovie
211618LLC Roslabsystem
211624Tetron Ltd
211625Ltd 5Com
211631Insurance Company Sberbank Insurance LLC
211637SimpleTelecom LLC
211639Kornet LLC
211641ArsTelecom Ltd.
211642AdminVPS OOO
211674Megapolis LLC
211697CJSC Processing Center Cardstandard
211708LLC MRTS Terminal
211712LLC 7Utra
211714Buz Orlovskoy Oblasti Miac
211716TK Alfa JSC
211724Systematica LLC
211730JSC Center of Prospective Projects
211762Region40 LLC
211773Ao Vostok-Service-Spezkomplekt
211778Intarmit LLC
211791Megaset LLC
211796Invasion Universe LLC
211801LLC Zvezda Shipbuilding Complex
211821Individual Entrepreneur Bakaev Ivan Vladimirovich
211825PE Timonin Alexey Valerievich
211830First VPS Ltd
211849Kakharov Orinbassar Maratuly
211866Sintel LLC
211883LLC Trilan
211892WaveAccess Nordics ApS
211928Alfamobil LLC
211930Managing Company Financial and Construction Corporation North-West Ltd
211932Olymp JSC
211951LocalNet+ OOO
211963M100 LLC
211970Tarik Al-Thuraya Company for Communications Service Ltd.
211988Hemofarm AD Vrsac
212006Karizon Ltd.
212015LLC Kasatka
212016OOO ZVI Telecom
212025Cukman Kresimir
212030Smarts-Cities LLC
212075LLC Accept (Ren TV Channel)
212092Telematica LLC
212093Fattakhov Rinat Rashitovich
212095Reconn LLC
212113JSC Avtovaz
212114Joint Stock Company BBR Bank
212126Volskiye Kabelniye Seti Ltd.
212128LLC Horizon
212136Nubes LLC
212160JSC RCS
212165Alex Group LLC
212199LLC Komnettechnologies
212206IP Petrosyan Maksim Markslenovich
212210Sheremet Aleksey Yurievich
212211CDEK-Global LLC
212213PS Processing LLC
212214CDEK-Global LLC
212234Potok-Telecom Ltd.
212236Kinescope LLC
212238DataCamp Limited
212247ITService LLC
212254JSC AB Rossiya
212260LLC Bienergetik
212264Closed Joint Stock Company Zolotaya Korona
212266JSC Research & Development Company Promelectronica
212272OOO VTC-Mobile
212273Yanino Logistics Park LLC
212275Public Joint Stock Company Mining and Metallurgical Company Norilsk Nickel
212277Non-State Pension Fund Future JSC
212278Kraud LLC
212288Agroeco-Yug LLC
212303Contact+ Ltd.
212333Arteks Ltd
212352Reshenie LLC
212395Suenco JSC
212410VTB Factoring Ltd
212414Kasat LLC
212423Aliter-Axi LLC
212441Cloud Assets LLC
212452Aliter-Axi LLC
212456Telecom-Orel LLC
212461Nemtcov Nikolai Alexandrovich
212480LLC Rus
212487Gorodskie seti OOO
212490JSC MediaSoft Ekspert
212491Continent Express JSC
212494Rubin LLC.
212496SIA Good
212545FSK Lider LLC
212566Vavilon Ltd.
212575Infotecs Internet Trust JSC
212600LLC New Network
212614OOO MMTR Technologii
212620RusGazShelf LLC
212667Reconn LLC
212670DataFort LLC
212673OOO TRK ''Integral''
212702LLC KMS-Kom
212712PE Alexey Grishin
212713LLC Telecom Group
212732JSC Tsniimash
212747The M.I. Krivosheev Radio Research & Development Institute
212748LLC NPF Helix
212750CB Energotransbank (JSC)
212764Public Joint Stock Company Research and Production Corporation United Wagon Company
212787Konti-Rus JSC
212800Cocobri OOO
212840Sensor Systems Limited Company
212863BI Telecom LLC
212869Joint Stock Company Commercial Bank Lanta-Bank
212872Serverio Technologijos MB
212883Orion LLC
212899State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Moscow State Institute of A Radio Engineering Electronics and Automatics (MIREA)
212913FOP Hornostay Mykhaylo Ivanovych
212919LLC Biovitrum
212936Zeonit LLC
212959Applied solutions LLC
212964Tek SPB Gup
213041JSC Group of Insurance Companies Ugoria
213046Procyon Telecom Ltd.
213058Private Internet Hosting LTD
213067Joint Stock Company Tuapse Commercial Sea Port LLC
213077PE Rukman Besaev
213117Russian Fishery LLC
213133Corporate Networking Academy Ano
213175Tesla Svyaz LLC.
213182CATV System Edver Ltd.
213203MIR Telecom LLC
213220Delta Ltd
213235LLC VK
213278Sensor Systems Limited Company
213304Joint Stock Company Yuzhmorrybflot
213329Gliptika LLC
213334LLC Innovative Technologies of Communication
213348PE Andrey Slesarev
213369Sfera Telecom LLC
213371ABC Consultancy
213375PE TK AMT
213381Pandora Trade LLC
213403Kairos Ltd.
214656Maraphon JSC
214683Ultramar LTd
214817Atomdata JSC
214822MT Finance LLC
214852JSC Stonehedge
214870Yakov & Partners LLC
214872Umnov Aleksandr Valerevich
214881Tendence LLC
214883Delteks LLC
214884TopTelecom LLC
214888IX-2 LLC
214951JSC Siberia Airlines
214956New IT Project LLC
214975Girey-net OOO
215031Uni-Web LLC
215032Elkoma LLC
215037Dataru Oblako LLC
215070LLC Wildberries
215077Skaiskor LLC
215098LLC Stroysvyazkonsaling
215106OOO Svyaz'-Invest Severo-Zapad
215110Keaz Ao
215115Kovalishin Alexey Sergeevich Pe
215116LLC IT Business
215167KrymTelecom Ltd
215179Smart Home Limited Liability Company
215206Khomutov Artem Sergeevich
215226Sirius LLC
215244JSC Red Wings
215247Ryadkom LLC.
215272Yedinyye Resheniya LLC
215279OOO Bazis
215302TecsGroup Ltd
215307Movetel Ltd
215314Helou LLC
215349ITUslugi SPB LLC
215357Netlink-Telecom LLC.
215394JSC Iva Partners
215415Coredeluxe LLC
215425STC Ltd
215438Andrey Lebedev
215439Play2Go Ltd
215445NK-Net Ltd.
215455General IT Rus LLC
215456Gazstroyprom JSC
215457DCS LLC
215498NetOne Rus JSC
215572Signal-Service LLC
215590DpkgSoft International Limited
215591Eto Net OOO
215623OOO Lugalink
215646Freshcom LLC
215654Genichesk Online LLC
215678Krapivnoy Eduard Vasilievich
215688Modum-Trans LLC
215705Maria Sergienko
215796Langame Software Solutions LLC
215818B4Com Technologies LLC
215851JoinNet LLC
215881Elytrium LLC
215882Hiperline Ltd
215895Ziben Group LLC
215897Neuroland Ltd
215924Oro LLC
215979LLC MC Maksavit
215983LLC Lipt Soft
215997PC Aquarius LLC
216011Federal State Budgetary Institution Department for the Operation of Buildings in the North-Western Federal District
216067BHS Solutions GmbH
216068Biapi LLC
216090Service-V LLC
216119Ericom LLC
216127International Hosting Company Limited
216140Join Stock Company Serenity Platforms
216158Teleport Rus LLC
216185Biletik-Onlain Ltd
216203LLC Farmstandart
216214Profinform LLC
216218Data 1 LLC
216234Komskov Vadim Aleksandrovich
216235Limited Liability Company Cyberprotect
216236Ralogic LLP
216246Aeza Group Ltd.
216248LLC Inferit
216264Intelcom Ltd.
216300Closed Joint Stock Company Abkhazmedia
216317Trubnaya Siv LLC
216322Atomdata-Innopolis JSC
216332Advanced Placement Technologies LLC
216334New Hosting Technologies LLC
216335OOO Kalibr SB
216365Limited Liability Company Cloud Solutions
216366Smart-Tel LLC
216377Citadel LLC
216378Artem Mukhailov
216379Joint Stock Company Cifrabeat
216423Evilink Ltd.
398343Baxet Group Inc.
401152Ace Data Centers II L.L.C.