What Is a Keylogger? How to Detect and How to Remove

Hackers continue to find new ways to steal data and monitor victims. One of these ways is through keylogger software, which monitors victims’ keyboards and records everything they type. In this article, learn how to detect, remove, and prevent a keylogger from infiltrating your device and keeping track of all that you do.

What is a keylogger?

A keylogger is a type of malware that monitors keystrokes on a computer and records every keystroke. It tracks the personal information it collects. Because it has access to everything a user types into their keyboard, it can monitor a user’s bank logins, Social Security number, and passwords, among other private information.

Keyloggers do have legitimate uses. IT services, for example, may use them to troubleshoot technological issues. However, people often use them for malicious purposes. Cybercriminals employ them to get information about their victims, which they can use against them in the future.

Three types of keylogger software

There are two kinds of keyloggers: keylogger software and keylogger hardware. The software is much more common of the two, as it’s harder for victims to detect and easier for hackers to place. Not all keystroke monitoring software works the same way, however. There are three categories of software that users should be aware of: API-based, kernel-based, and form grabbing-based keyloggers.

API-based keyloggers

A graphic illustrating the data that keyloggers can steal

API-based (application programming interface-based) keystroke monitors are the most common keylogger software. Keyboard API interception allows hackers to capture each key you type and log the data, meaning they can piece together anything the user has typed.

Kernel-based keyloggers

Kernel-based software impedes the target device's kernel, or core operating system. These are one of the most difficult types to detect because of how they interact with the computer’s operating system, but they are also rarer than other software types. Like API-based keyloggers, kernel-based keyloggers record keystrokes to capture anything typed on a computer.

Form grabbing-based keyloggers

Form grabbing-based loggers capture data from web forms, like login or signup forms online. The hacker has access to any sensitive information on the form. This could include your name, phone number, bank information, address, or Social Security number. Like all keystroke monitoring software, the process is almost undetectable; the interception happens right as the user submits a form.

How to detect keyloggers

Malicious keyloggers are difficult to detect, as they are either installed without the user’s knowledge or accidentally downloaded by the user themselves. Hackers commonly use root kits or Trojan horse malware to infiltrate a user’s computer with keylogger software.

However, detecting keylogging software is not impossible. Look out for signs that your computer has a malware infection; if it runs slowly, crashes frequently, or hosts an increasing number of popups, malware – and more specifically, keylogger malware – could be the cause.

For mobile devices, watch out for a quickly-draining battery, random bouts of turning on and off, and strange messages in your texts or inbox. These all indicate a malware infection on a phone.

You can also use an antivirus or antimalware program to detect malicious software and other issues. Run periodic scans to ensure that your device is healthy; if you do have keystroke monitoring software, these scans will detect it.

How to remove keyloggers

The most efficient way to remove keyloggers is through an antivirus software program. Downloading an antivirus program with anti-malware scan and removal features will detect, and subsequently remove, any keyloggers found on your device.

You can also search for foreign programs in Task Manager or Activity Monitor, depending on whether you have a Windows or Mac device. If you find any programs that you did not install, right-click the program and select Uninstall or Uninstall/Change. Follow the prompts until you remove the program.

How to prevent keyloggers

To prevent keyloggers, consider employing these tactics:

  • Use two-factor authentication. Two-factor authentication is a great way to protect online accounts. Should a keylogger compromise your device, then it could prevent someone from logging into your accounts, as they would need a second login code sent only to your phone or email.
  • Don’t click on unfamiliar links. If you click foreign links from strange emails, social media direct messages, or text messages, you can download malware without realizing it.
  • Only download secure files. Many of these programs piggyback off of other files downloaded from the web. Make sure anything you download is only from a secure, HTTPS site.
  • Use an antivirus defender program. As mentioned earlier, using antivirus software protects your computer against threats. Using antivirus software like Norton can stop keyloggers and other forms of malware before they take root.

Practicing these prevention tactics will help keep your device safe against not just keylogging threats but also other viruses.

How to use keyloggers legally

If you have a legitimate reason for using a keystroke logger, like monitoring your child’s screen time or tracking employees’ work as an IT professional, you can purchase and install the software on your own.

In these cases, free keyloggers are available for public use. Refog and Kidlogger both offer free software online for monitoring employee or child screen time and activity. These programs aren’t invisible, so the user might be able to detect them. However, if you use them legitimately and the user knows they’re being monitored, these monitoring apps shouldn’t be an issue.

If you need a keylogger for iPhone or iOS devices, FlexiSPY is a comprehensive one used for employee monitoring and parental control on iPhones and iPads. However, it requires jailbreaking the device. This may cause other problems even a reset of the iPad or iPhone can't fix. If jailbreaking the device isn’t an option, then WebWatcher is an alternative that monitors similar device activity.

Spyine is a trusted keylogger app for Android phones; it works remotely and doesn’t require jailbreaking the device. Users can also monitor their own device in real time and check for unauthorized use with this spy app.

To use this kind of software legally, make sure the person you’re tracking is aware of the monitoring. In addition, download the software to the device from a secure website to ensure you don’t inadvertently download malware along with the keystroke logger.

Frequently asked questions

Can a keylogger be detected?

Yes, these viruses can sometimes be detected by observation. However, they can also be detected by an antimalware or antivirus program, which scans and identifies malware on the device.

Can you get rid of a keylogger virus?

Yes, you can remove these viruses with malware removal programs or antimalware scanners.

Can a keylogger be detected on an iPhone?

With the right applications, a keylogger on an iPhone can be detected. You can also look for signs on your device - like a slower speed, weaker battery, or higher run temperature - that indicate an infection on the device.


Written by Lizzy Schinkel & WhatIsMyIP.com® Editorial Contributors

Lizzy is a tech writer for WhatIsMyIP.com®, where she simplifies complex tech topics for readers of all levels. A Grove City College graduate with a bachelor’s degree in English, she’s been crafting clear and engaging content since 2020. When she’s not writing about IP addresses and online privacy, you’ll likely find her with a good book or exploring the latest tech trends.


Technically Reviewed by Brian Gilbert

Brian Gilbert is a tech enthusiast, network engineer, and lifelong problem solver with a knack for making complicated topics simple. As the overseer of WhatIsMyIP.com®, he combines decades of experience with a passion for helping others navigate the digital world.